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Eretz Yisroel: Poisoned water given to Shas MK?

poison.jpgOn Tuesday night, during a discussion of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Shas MK Nissim Zeev drank water that may have been poisoned, according to a report in today’s Jerusalem Post. At the end of the discussion, Zeev began to feel unwell and was checked out by the Knesset’s doctor, Dr. Yitzhak Lifshitz, who decided to do more in-depth tests.

According to Zeev, the doctor took blood and urine from him.

Zeev began to feel better after several hours.

Other members of the committee said the water in the pitcher had been a strange color and could have been poisoned.

Dr. Lifshitz decided not to take any chances and has asked the police forensic unit to investigate.

6 Responses

  1. The funny thing is that he started to feel better after several hours. If this were really poisen wouldn’t the affect be stronger?

  2. Nameless:
    That would obviously depend on the quantity and quality of the poison in the bottle, as well as the amount of water drunk. You can’t Pasken yes or no based on the little info in the story.

  3. Blogger: Who knows?? But someone is trying to get him!! Any updates?? Did they find out if it was poison, did they find someone responsible?? The weird thing is that he began to feel better, what happened there?

  4. ‘Why would somone want to poison him, someone si trying to get him!’
    Who says HEwas the target? could have been meant for somone else or all of them……..
    Your right, but if somone’s intention was serious harm, wouldnt they make sure that the QuantityAND quality suffice?

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