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Montreal: neo-Nazi jailed for hate website

In one of only three such cases ever heard in Canada, a Montreal neo-Nazi has been given a six-month prison sentence for willfully promoting hatred towards blacks and Jews on his website.

Calling Jean-Sebastien Presseault’s opinions ”vile” and ”nauseating,” a Quebec court judge sent the heavily tattooed man back to jail, only days after he finished serving time for threatening to kill the judge if he handed down an exemplary sentence.

The 24 tattoos themselves, including several Ku Klux Klan and Nazi symbols covering his torso, figure prominently in Justice Martin Vauclair’s decision to give Presseault jail time, as opposed to a sentence served in the community, as the defence had hoped.

”The violence he inflicted on his own body to leave almost-indelible marks of his convictions testify as to his unresolved frustrations but also to his deep-seated racist and hateful beliefs,” Vauclair said.


4 Responses

  1. The only reason the Quebec court gave him a sentence is because he spoke aginst blacks. The anti semitic Frenchies don’t give two hoots about the Jews.

  2. Thats true about the average ‘joe shmos’, but the authorities are quite tolerant and respectful to the Jewish community!

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