Yeshivaworld News roundup 1/23/07

Rav Yosef Dovid Korbman Shlita Rosh Yeshiva Bais Medrash Central Jersey’s Lakewood Chumash Shuir will be tonight (Wed. evening) at 7:00PM instead of the usual time of Thursday at 11:00PM.

Rav Yosef Wilner Shlita Menahel of Yeshiva Torah Vedas is sitting Shiva for his wife at 4639 46th Street until Friday.

The Lubliner Rebbe Shlita has traveled to London to attend the Dinner for his Mosdos. He will be staying in London until after Shaboos.

Habochur Shumuly Schustal son of Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal Shlita R”Y Torah Temimah became a Choson to Kerpenya from Boro Park last night.

Hundreds of people are gathering today at the Kever of the Baba Sali whose Yartzheit is today, Daled Shevat.

Rav Shmuel Rosengarten Shlita R”Y of Yeshivas Ohel Torah in Monsey is making a Bar Mitzvah tonight at Yeshiva of Spring Valley.

The son of Rav Sorcher Shlita the Rov of Whispering Pines in Lakewood became a Choson to Zimmerman from Seagate.

Tonight will be the Chasunah for the son of R’ Raphael Lieberman to the daughter of Ha’askan R’ Raphael Hertzka. Maran Hagoen R’ Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita is scheduled to give a Shiur at the Chasunah.

6 Responses

  1. If you are posting the news for today, tuesday, then why did you write that the chumash shiur is “tonight, (wed. evening)” ? Is it tonight or tomorrow?

  2. Yes it is a a tremendous simch for the Choson and kalla to have a Shiur given by one of the Gedolai Hador at their Chasuna. IY”h we all should have such a Zchus

  3. R’ Shmuel Berenbaum will not miss a shiur to attend a chasuna. He will attend if he can give a shiur at the chasuna, therby not being mevatel a shiur.

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