Dreams Can Come True For A Sephardic High School In Los Angeles


The largest Sephardic community outside the tri-state area had everything.

They had a wonderful Sephardic Elementary School. Many vibrant Batei Kennest. Even an active and dynamic Sephardic Kollel!

Well, almost Everything. There was only one missing piece to this glorious Crown of Torah.

There was no Sephardic Yeshiva High School. The West Coast needed a Sephardic High School!

How could one really expect to have such a Yeshiva High School where Torat Yisrael Saba would be learned and pride infused into developing B’nei Torah?

Six years ago the dream started to crystalize. Finally there was the founding of the first Sephardi Yeshiva High School on the West Coast. Yeshivat Ohr Chanoch was born.

As the only Sephardi Yeshiva High School on the West Coast, Yeshivat Ohr Chanoch has been a major force in strengthening the community and as well as other Sephardi Mosdot.

The Yeshiva is BH growing and flourishing!

We need to raise 450K to move to a new building within the LA community.

We cannot do it alone and we need ALL YOUR HELP.

This week, all funds will be quadrupled so that our Dream of a New Home can become a reality.


4 Responses

  1. I would highly recomend supporting Valley Torah HS.They have had a large sephardi population since the seventies,and the alumni have gone on to contribute great things to their community.

  2. @chareidi amiti – while your statement may be very true I’m not sure this is the appropriate time or place to make comments like this.

    There surely is room in the LA community to accommodate for both school. להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה!

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