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Rabbi Uri Zohar visiting Detroit

zohar1.jpgHarav Uri Zohar arrived in Detroit late Sunday Night. He Davened and spoke Monday Morning at The Yeshiva Bais Yehudah. He is going to be speaking throughout the day at various locations.

He is scheduled to speak tonight at a parlor meeting on behalf of Peylim Lev L’achim at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Torgow.

If anyone would like to reach Harav Uri Zohar during his stay in Detroit please call Reb Nachum Barnetsky at 917-836-5975

7 Responses

  1. Abigeshmak: the whitebearded yid is Rav Zohar.
    I was zocheh to hear him speak in Flatbush yesterday and I can say it was for me a life altering speach. We don’t understand what mesiras nefesh for yidishkeit is. His humble greatness is nothing short of awesome.
    May hakodosh boruch hu grant him many many more years of returning hashem’s own children to the homes they belong in.
    This is one man who is literally pulling moshiach closer to us.

  2. The proper caption should read, Rabbi Meir Kranczer, prolific writer and vibrant second grade rebbe at Yeshiva Bais Yehuda, greets Ha’Rav Uri Zohar to discuss current trends in the kiruv movement.

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