Yeshivaworld News roundup 1/20/07

Maran Hagoen Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita delivered a Shiur to the Bochrim of Riverdale Yeshiva tonight in Mirrer Yeshiva.

Tonight is the Annual Melava Malka for Mesivta Yeshiva Mekor Chayim which is the Yeshiva of Hagoen Rav Binyomin Paler ZATZAL. It’s taking place in the Yeshivas Bais Medrash at 15th Avenue and 55th Street.

The Yeshiva Gedolah of South Monsey (Yeshiva of Rav Eliezer Lief Shlita) will be making a Siyum on Mesechta Baba Kamma taking place in K’hal Zichron Mordechai in Monsey tonight.

Tonight will be the Dinner for the Kollel Bobov in Ateres Chyinka Hall Bihishtatfus the Rebbe Rav Mordche Duvid Unger Shlita. The guest speaker is the Skverrer Dayan Shlita.

Kollel Choshen Mishpat in Lakewood will be showing the Thursday night Shiurim in video of Hagoen Rav Avigdor Miller ZATZAL at 9:30PM.

Tonight will be the Melava Malka to benefit Mesivta of Lakewood at the home of R’ Shmuel Lubin 1460 Arboretum Parkway.

Tonight will be the Keren Even Habochen Ner Moshe Melava Malka / Parlor Meeting at the home of R’ Yitzchok Weitman 18 Arosa Hill.

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