Nazi’s in America attack kosher tax

There is an 11 minute video on Youtube by some neo-Nazi in Michigan which can can get your blood boiling. He probably just noticed an OU on a Kosher product, and is complaining about the new “Kosher tax”. Click here to view it.

21 Responses

  1. Well thats your American ‘Freedom of Speech’ privelege. Any bumbling idiot can get up and distort facts,brainwash whoever he wants , promote hate and get away with it ! But I dont think that should get our blood boiling because the ”educated’ see this as primitive as we do, whether they are Jewish or not.

  2. yw editor. dont let this dumb bigot get you mad. you can tell, that like most racists, he is uneducated and flat out stupid. if you couldnt tell just by looking at him, you will know after you hear him speak.
    his house probably has more mileage than his car! and his life is not that great. so who else can he blame it on? the people who he thinks should be “less” than him but who are thriving b”h with hashem’s help.
    so ignore him and all of those types. we have hashem and thats all we need.
    we are proud of who we are. we’ve been through much worth.

  3. This Mich Bubba (what a name!) is such a moron that I would have taken him as a parody of a white supremacist had I not checked further. He and Freaky Freedy would make a good comedy act – they could both perform in Arab restaurants on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn.

    The problem is that judging by the comments on both this idiocy and some of the Ku Klux Karta You Tube and Google videos out there, people take it seriously enough to use as a means of spreading more and more anti-Semitic lies.

  4. just a fat jlob who likes green beans, dressed in clothing from the salvation army who is absolutely clueless, no sane person would watch more than 2 minutes of this rubbish

  5. This Mental Midget does mention UL as underwriters laboratory however he does show the CE at the end of his misreprestation . the “CE” symbol shown at the end of the video represents’s conformity with the European Union Oh i almost forgot the OZ and the numerical value before it do represent how many rabbis blessed it, “OR” represents the real orthodox rabbis so his beans are blessed as well. his different size EYES are what’s playing games on him.

  6. OK, this thing has been around for years, it isn’t new at all.

    Also, it is based on a article that was written many, many years ago on the same premise.

    Go to youtube and flag it, its that simple…

  7. Try to leave a legitimate counter comment to his video. He deletes it within hours. I kept on putting back my scholarly inteligent response to his bigoted nonsense so he finally blocked me from being able to post a response to his video. I read the terms and conditions of You Tube Inc. He clearly violates the terms and I have lodged a complaint with the people at You Tube. Let’s see if they delete his video off the site. The frum guy named nazi hunter has put up a video response and in my opinion has done a fabulous job. Anyone else out there that has a webcam and is not embarrased to go up there and respond with video, go ahead and make a kiddush hashem and post a response video and expose this louse for all of his uninformed viewers to see the real truth. Chazak!!!

  8. This guy is a looser, but it’s still a reminder that were in galus.
    The problem is that he’s not the only anti-semite out there, and we should not think that AMERICA loves us.

  9. Just wondering,
    Isn’t it possobile to bring charges against this nazi for making up stories and inciting hatred against a religion,

  10. Sheryl, why are YOU not that SOMEBODY?

    Why does everybody have suggestions and Eitzahs, but nobody wants to do anything about it?

  11. the problem with the ACLU is that they are self hating jews.

    someone should have told this mamzer that the green beans were kosher too! i hope he chokes on his not “jewish taxed” food.

  12. We stand here insulting what has happened instead of learning from it. Crictizing him and making fun of him wont change a thing, we’re acting like little kids. It’s about time we wake up and realizing we’re currently living in pre-holocaust Germany. We’re assimilating, attending their colleges (including Touro ironically), reading their books, buying their paintings and immersing ourselves into their culture. Its about time we shape up and make Torah our priority, thats what will prevent this from progressing. We think its only the French or Arabs who get to hate us? No, its spreading from within our own Americans.

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