Rabbi Metzger invites Pope to Eretz Yisroel

Israeli Chief Rabbi Metzger said he would “warmly welcome Benedict XVI in Israel”. The government has already invited the Pope to visit Israel.

Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, clarified that the Pope has accepted the invitation, but that he will visit the country when the “conditions are appropriate.”

“The moment the Pope is pleased to come to Jerusalem, we will welcome him warmly,” Chief Rabbi Metzger said on Wednesday.

Although the rabbi mentioned the increase of anti-Semitism in Europe, he acknowledged that “there has never been such a good and significant moment” in relations between Christians and Jews.

5 Responses

  1. I think Europe has ahistory of Anti semitism at a much higher rate than the USA. I am not just referrring to brutality and persecutions. But even just racial slurs , graffiti and other intimidation factors such as rejecting Jews in stores and clubs etc.
    I feel very comfortable and safe walking the streets in Manhatten, rather than just taking astroll in many European areas especially the resorts. There are places in Switzerland where hotels dont allow Jews.
    However I think in America, New York especially, antisemitsmmight be down but assimilation is on the rise more than ever before….

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