Hashem’s Children Need Our Help!

rhky900x500These are difficult economic times: for you, for us, for everyone!
No one is exempt. Klal Yisroel, however, is unlike any other people. We know that.In fact, we were recently reminded of HaShem’s promise to us. The posuk in Parashas Re’eh (16:11) commands us to rejoice before HaShem along with…the orphan and the widow who are among you. At this point, Rashi quotes the Medrash Tanchuma: If you will make mine happy, I will make yours happy.
HaShem is telling us that when we respond to others in their time of need, we genuinely help ourselves as well. We’re well aware of the klal: Whoever adds on more, more will be added to him from Heaven.
Keren Yesomim was established to help orphaned families cope with hardship,and provide for their material needs. Because the organization’s overhead is virtually zero, your contribution goes directly to help the Yesomim. This support is given in a manner that protects their privacy, preserves their dignity, and avoids any embarrassment.
Here are examples of families who have come to the attention of Keren Yesomim: (some details were changed to protect their identities)
1. A father of five lost his life while doing a chesed, leaving his young wife
to raise and support the family, including two special needs children.
ל”ע 2. A father of three, the breadwinner of his family, took ill and was niftar shortly thereafter. His wife and children were taken under the wings of her parents who were themselves still raising eight children. Compounding the family tragedy, the father contracted the terrible machala, and after months of terrible suffering, left this world, leaving two widows and 13 orphans with no means of support.
 ר”ל 3. A chashuve marbitz Torah suffered for three years before succumbing to his illness, leaving a young widow with seven orphans and a large
amount of debt.
The very least we can do for these poor children is look after their material needs. Please help us assist these families, and in the merit of your great generosity, may HaShem bentch you and yours with an abundance of nachas, good health, and financial success.
בברכת כתיבה וחתימה טובה,
Rabbi Y.M. Kantor
Please send your tax-deductible contributions to: Keren Yesomim:
c/o Rabbi Y.M. Kantor (Rav of Agudas Yisroel of Monsey)
10 Emes Lane, Monsey, New York 10952

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