Yeshivaworld News roundup 1/16/07

This morning is the Hachtarah of the new Switzerland Rov – R’ Chaim Moshe Levy Shlita who is taking over his father Rav Daniel Levy ZATZAL who was Niftar two years ago. Dayan Dunner Shlita of London is flying to Switzerland to speak at the event.

Hagoen R’ Chaim Stein Shlita R”Y Telz Cleveland will be visiting the Yeshiva Gedolah of  Waterbury today, and will be delivering Divrei Chizuk.

Tonight Dayan Brody will be going to Supreme Meats in Iowa to inspect the plant.

Tonight will be the Chasunah of the daughter of Rav Levi Goodman Shlita Shoel Umeishiv in BMG. The Chasunah is taking place in Bais Faiga Hall In Lakewood.

Rav Noach Issac Olbaum Shlita Morah D’asrah of K’hal Nachlas Yitzchok of Queens is traveling to Montreal to deliver a Hesped on the 10th Yartzheit of Rav Pinchos Hershbaum ZATZAL the GAVAD of Montreal. The Hesped is taking place at 6:30PM in the Bais Yackov of Montreal. There will be a Siyum Hashas taking place as well.

Rav Osher Kalmanowitz Shlita R”Y in Mirrer Yeshiva who is currently visiting E”Y will be speaking at tonight at 11:00PM in the basement of the Dushinsky B”M in Yerushalayim on Rechov Shmuel Hanavi

Tonight will be the 19th Annual Dinner for Masores Bais Yackov  taking place in Ateres Chaya Hall in BP.

Tonight is the Chasunah of the daughter of Rav Yisroel Ehrlich Shlita R”Y Bais Hatalmud tonight in Ateres Shlomo Hall in BP. To the son of Rav Yosef Stern M”D K”hal Agudas Achim of Midwood.

2 Responses

  1. Rav Noach Issac Olbaum Shlita Morah D’asrah of K’hal Nachlas Yitzchok of Queens is traveling to Montreal to deliver a Hesped on the 10th Yartzheit of Rav Pinchos Hershbaum ZATZAL the GAVAD of Montreal. The Hesped is taking place at 6:30PM in the Bais Yackov of Montreal. There will be a Siyum Hashas taking place as


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