Gedolim visit R’ Avrohom Zabiv in jail

anklebracelet.jpgToday Rav Moshe Shterbach Shlita went to visit  R’ Avrohom Zabiv who was placed in to jail for refusing to wear an ankle bracelet on Shabbos after the P’sak of the Gedolei Yisroel told him not to. Two weeks ago Hagoen R’ Chaim Kanievsky Shlita went to visit him, yesterday the GAVAD Yerushalayim went to visit him, tomorrow the rest of the Batei Dinim are going to visit him to give him Chizuk.

10 Responses

  1. Unfortunately, our dear brothers and sisters may be more in Galus in Eretz Yisrael than we who are Chutz LaAretz.

    But this should all end soon — BeEzras HaShem — with Bias Goel Tzedek, BiMeheirah VeYameinu Amen.

  2. he printed the signs for the hafgona of the shame prade that was ilegel ( the hafgona) + he did not own the monapoly on hanging signs in y”m so he had no licence to hang sign alltogeter. the judge said the he has to move to bni brak & ware a braclit to make sure dos no go back to yerusolaim

  3. It’s only chillul shabbos if he leaves his permitted zone! but if he remains, there is no chillul shabbos! so why doesnt he just wear the bracelet and not leave his permitted area?!?!?!

  4. Avrohom you have a BIG mistake. If you can say such a thing then you have to much of the Gashimyos of chutz laoretz.

  5. Her MenachumB?

    YW wrote “refusing to wear an ankle bracelet on Shabbos after the P’sak of the Gedolei Yisroel told him not to”.

    Got your answer?

    I hope so.

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