Yeshivaworld News roundup 1/15/07

Tonight is the Bonei Olam Annual Dinner in Lakewood taking place in the Lake Terrace Ballroom.

Tonight is going to be the Chasunah of the daughter of Rav Nechemya Rockoff Shlita Mashgiach of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel of Toronto to the son of Rav Meir Epstein grandson of Rav Zeidele Epshtein Shlita. Rav Elya Chaim Swerldloff Shlita RY Patterson will be coming to Toronto for the Chasunah.

Rav Shalom Schecter is in Lakewood today and will be saying a Shiur for his Talmidim.

Tonight will be the Chasunah of the daughter of Rav Don Blumberg Shlita RY of Yeshiva Ohr Simcha of Englewood, and Rosh Kollel of the West Side.

Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Shlita Lakewood Mashgiach was in Atlanta GA yesterday to speak at the opening of a new Shul in the Sandy Springs area.

Tonight will be the Annual Detroit reception for Bais Medrash Gavoah.

Rav Osher Weiss Shlita who is visiting Yeshivas Ner Yisroel Baltimore delivered a Shiur today in the Yeshiva.

Hagoen Rav Chaim Stein Shlita Telzer R”Y will be traveling to NY tomorrow to attend a Talmid’s Chasunah which will take place on Wednesday evening. He is scheduled to visit and deliver Divrei Chizuk at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Waterbury tomorrow.

One Response

  1. This shabbos will spent harav mendel teitelbaum RUV in williamsburg satmar at the yeshiva gedolah in kiryas yoel on the request of his big father grand rabbi a. teitelbaum shlita of satmar who went on vacation till next week.

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