Neturei Karta lowlife’s wife files for divorce

friedman.jpgMoshe Aryeh Friedman, the Neturei Karta member who was photographed kissing Iranian President Ahmadinejad, will now be able to move to Iran and spend lots of time there as a bachelor.

Ynet News Service has learned that Mr. Friedman’s wife has filed for divorce, following his participation in the Holocaust denial conference.

Friedman, who lives in Vienna stayed in Iran for another two weeks after his friends left, visiting universities across the country in order to speak against the State of Israel.

When Friedman finally returned to Vienna he found out that his wife, following her parents’ advice, had fled to Williamsburg where she approached Rabbonim and asked them to help her divorce her husband.

98 Responses

  1. yesterday we heard his wife checked him into the hotel, and today we hear she “filed” for divorce. this after we heard hd was arrested by austria for holocaust denial. his enemies need to make up their mind which lie to spread, as they each contradict ond another.

  2. According to our religion though, if he doesnt want to grant her a divorce, he has no obligation. A man can get a ‘heter meoh rabanim’ but awomen cant. He can make her life miserable for YEARS before he decides to give it to her.
    May G-d Help her…..

  3. Ahron Cohen loses his burial rights, Mr. Friedman loses his marriage, gosh. You think ARAFAT’S WIDOW would be suitable shidduch for him???

  4. Could she not declare the kiddushin a mekach to’os? Surely if she had known that her future husband was a beheimo she would’ve never married him in the first place!!

  5. Does anybody know if achmidenijad from iran has a daughter I think it would be a great shidduch.
    Does this jewish muslim have any children ?

  6. Himmelstein
    Unfortunatley a women with 5 or 6 children doesnt sell very well! But hopefully Hashem will repay her for all the suffering she went through the years….

  7. Do you really think that Iran hates Jews? Don’t you know that there are approx. 30,000 Jews in Iran that and Ahmadinejad has not killed them? Did it occur to you that he only hates Israel, or, more accurately, Israelis.

    Do you not know that for thousands of years while Jews were being slaughtered in Europe at the hands of Christians, Jews and Muslims lived side by side? Only once the Zionist movement got underway did this change? Only one Jews were oiver on the shalosh shavuos did Jews start dieing as a result.

    These guys did not go to Iran to say the holocaust did not happen. They went to say that the holocaust did happen, but that is not cause for the state of Israel. Did anyone of you people reading my words stop to think that maybe this is true? I totally agree. I do not equate Torah-true Judaism with modern day Zionism. In fact I think them to be antonymous.

    (And as an aside, how interesting is it that Israel was created so the Jews will be secure in their own land. And how many wars have been fought since then to protect this secure land? How many Jews have been blown up since then just because they live in Israel? I live in Lakewood and am much more secure than my cousins in Jerusalem).

    My point is, these guys are absolutely nuts is their heads. But how many of you actually though about the point they are making before condemning them. Maybe they are right.

  8. It’s unfortunate that The Yeshiva World and others are gloating some wayward Jews downfall [Not to mention the prob of Loshon Hara or better yet Motzie Sheim Rah if the whole source is the anti-semetic “YNet”]

  9. to who knows: stop sticking up for the poor guy, their nuts and that’s it end of case…………………………………

  10. Mr. Who Knows:

    Some of the issues which Mr. Weiss and the other evil individuals who claim to be part of Neturei Karta are ranting about are hardly new: R’ Chaim maintained some of these positions; so did R’ Boruch Ber and R’ Elchonon. We don’t need to be censured about what daas Torah from am ha’aratzim. What we don’t appreciate is that they are going against daas Torah by meeting with individuals who want to kill millions of Jews. And that is unconscionable. Second, Mr. Weiss can be seen on Youtube lying both on Fox and to an Arab television station that he has hundreds of thousands of followers who believe Israel should be (“HOPEFULLY peacefully” in the words of Ahron Cohen”) dismantled. This is, obviously, a lie. What we are curious about is what, Mr. Weiss and the other rashaoim like Mr. Beck, etc., are really interested in when they make these misrepresentations. They are no lsheim shomayim as they would consult some significant talmid chochom for guidance. So what is it?: Money? 15 seconds of fame? Because if they wanted the Torah approach (as those evil am ha’aratzim portend to be interested in), why would they not act in concert with gedolei Yisroel? Why would they be confining their time to attending anti-semetic college protests and Holocoust denial conferences which leave absolutley no impact on Jews whatsoever? We know what he tells us, we know a little about what he tells the Arabs, and they are inconsistent. They don’t stand for the daas of R’ Chaim and other gedolei yisroel. They stand for the daas of sonei Hashem and Sonei Yisroel. Their pretense is obvious. We don’t have to listen to their “message.”

    Simpletid, Mr. Weiss himself (though in a very general and unlearned way) stated the halachos of loshon hara very clearly and the rules for those who have a chazaka of not being frum are different. This lowlife has been seen on Youtube violating shabbos bi’farhesya. We hope for the continued lack of success of the individuals who are intent on being michalel shem shomayim b’rabim.

  11. Who Knows Says:

    You are either an am ha aretz or an apikoires.

    The Toirah says that Einei Hashem Eloikecha bah mairaishis hashana ad achris shana. This is not said about any other place where yidden live.

    Don’t you think that siding with the enemies of yidden whether they are zionists or not endangers all yidden? Just read all of the stories on this blog of anti semitism all around the world.

    Sure Zionisim is wrong but we are stuck, there are K”H over 6,000,000 yidden in Eretz Yisroel. We have to show the world the we are arievim zeh llazeh.

    Before the holocaust yidden in America spoke like you. Did this help our brothers or hurt them? How do you think America would have acted if there were demostrations of 100,000 yidden in Washington in the 1930s and during the war?

  12. Who Knows ;
    You are contradicting yourself! You say that Jews and Muslims were living peacefully before Zionism(which btw, is not complelty true), that these guys
    didnt go to the conference to deny the Holocaust but to say it DID happen.
    You continue trying to prove that since I srael is created there has only been
    bloodshed. You seem to see only praise in these people…then you say they are nuts…why???

  13. To Who Knows:

    While I try not to comment on the website and voice my opinions, I just wanted to tell you that you are SO dead wrong it’s amazing.

    You wrote “Muslims lived side by side”.

    Just for starters, have you ever heard of the Chevron Massacre?

    Beginning about 3 PM on Friday, August 23 1929 Arabs began stoning the Chevron Yeshiva. One Yeshiva Bochur tried to leave the Yeshiva building and was stabbed to death.

    On Shabbos, August 24. Arabs killed 64 to 67 Yidden in cold blood and wounded many others. Babies were beheaded. Old Rabbonim were castrated. There were incidents of rape, torture and mutilation. Hands and fingers were torn off bodies, apparently for jewelry.


  14. Simpleyid is concerned about the Motzi Shem Ra and Rechilus against these members of NK. REMEMBER that Rabbonim have paskened that they have the Din of a Rodeif, which means that there are no Issurei Motzi Shem Ra and Rechilus against them.

  15. To “Who Knows”:
    You have totally missed the point. Even if someone were to agree with the ideological difference between Jews and Israel you mention, there is NO EXCUSE to hug and kiss those who plan to “wipe Israel off the map.” Do you know what happens if a country gets wiped off the map? It’s people r”l DIE!!! Yes, chas veshalom, r”l, even heilege, chashuva, yirei shamayim who are millions of times holier and with a million times purer neshomas than ANY of these N.K. members. Do they think giving encouragement and chizuk to these murderers will HELP Jewish people or HARM them?

    I ask you, if millions of heilege yidden are under threat of annihilation, among them talmidei chachamin and gedolim who KNOW the ideology that these NK’s know but STILL maintain the Torah view that they should live in Eretz Yisroel, and a few frum-looking people show up and give these murderers hugs and kisses and say “I’m with you” are they harming or helping yidden? Are they doing the ratzon H-Shem or being mechalel shem shamayim?

    I don’t know if they have the halachic certification of “rodfim” but to allow these NK members to participate in Klal Yisroel as if they are just people with a different ideology than most of us is out of the question–ask the Gedolim if they’re doing the right thing.

    As for your comment about Jews in Iran, again you misspeak. The Jews in Iran are extremely fearful of ahmadinejad and the mullahs. Just because he has not killed them, and I daven that he never do so, does not mean they are not watched like hawks and made to feel fearful. Even before him, when Khomeini took over, Iranians fled like crazy from Iran, many children even having to leave their parents behind. Did you also forget about the ten or so Jews who were imprisoned about 10 years ago, for trumped up charges, but ostensibly because they were teaching Torah and other “dastardly” things? I know the NK went to Iran back then too to “discuss” that matter, but they were not released. Even a 60-minutes interview, not exactly an Israel-loving program- brought this out abiut the Jews in present-day Iran. You can try blaming this on the “Zionists” but we have a Pirkei D’Rebbi Eliezer that foretells the rise of Yishmael against the world and Yidden before Moshiach comes. Do you think this would not occur if not for “Zionists?”

    I must add, that you stuck in that these guys “are nuts.” But I wonder if you yourself are not a NK member trying to spread your propoganda like the phone message we all got.

  16. fools, you need to look at arab violence against jews BEFORE 1898, BEFORE ZIONISM, not just before 1948. before zionism, arab violence against Yidden in palestine AND in arab countries was FAR FAR LESS than in christian Europe. Zionism CLEARY incited arab violence against Yidden.

  17. Who Knows you seem not to know much cause you are wrong. History proves u wrong. The goal of NK if it happens, Challila, will only be a major catasrophy for klal yisroel. Their fundamental beliefs might be right, but the mehalach of are Gedolim for the past half century was if u cant fight them(Zionism) then lets at least protect are selves and try to twist things in our direction as much as possible. I cant believe that the purpose of their trip was to denounce the whole theme of the convention. they went there on a propaganda agenda and they succeded. but there success was brought about in a way that any jew living on this earth since WWII would never dream of doing, and they defiled us. By this they show that thier mehalach is krum. and they are heading in the direction of meshumudim. All that should be said is “that they are nuts”. and if they continue it could get worse

  18. TO Y.W. Editor:

    I normally don’t respond to people who comment on my comments, but I’ll make an exception due to your being the editor of this blog, and your misreading of my comment. I clearly implied that “Jews and Muslims living side be side” was until the Zionist movement got underway. That was in the later half of the 19th century.

    Using the Chevron Pogrom as an argument against my point is not very logical, then.

    “I live in Lakewood and am much more secure than my cousins in Jerusalem”

    You missed the boat, do you know that either the bais shmuel or some other meforash says that the reason the progroms happened in worms and other european cities at the time of the crusades is because they felt they are living in their “little jerusalem” in europe and amongst the yesivas and the rishonim etc’ now of course in eretz yisrael we are in golus too but it sure is the safest place like chazal say einei hashem elokecha boh etc’ or like the chafetz chaim said “shom tiyeh plaito” no one is claiming to be a zionist just not an apikores,chas veshalom nothing should happen in america but to say you feel safer in U.S. then yidden living in palterin shel melech is border apikorsus, the jews in germany felt very safe in germany too in the 1920’s and it sure changed from one day too another,

    who knows – you can always do teshuvah on you mistaken post






  21. who knows, nobody knows, so stop knowing.
    so don’t use your name as who knows bec. you don’t know.
    “do you now know”??!!


  23. I would like to make three points.

    1) it is a Mitzvah to publicize the fallacy of Reshoims lifestyles (even if a good person behaves as such).

    2) In 624 Mohammed YM”Sh and his clans completely wiped out the Bnei Kainuka, Bnei Nadir and the Bnai Kuraiza (a family of Kohanim) who resided on the outskirts of Medina. They were murdered for refusing to accept Islam. HY”D

    Additionally, following this they swept through the whole Arabian peninsula and wiped out every Jewish community.

    One of the conditions of the “Covenant of Omar” (634-644),Jews must wear yellow clothing and hats. The color of their shoes must be different than that of Muslims.

    When did arab/Yishmael hatred of Yidden begin?

    3)The Abbarbenel in his Sefer yeshuas meshicho discusses the pirkei Drebbe Eliezer refered to by, and disscusses Persias war on Eretz Yisrael Bachris hayomim.

    The Bal haturim in the end of Parshas Chayai Sarah states that with the fall of yishmael Ben dovid will sprout.

    All the best to all.

  24. Okay i think after all this “who knows” is gonna have to take a holiday…..
    This Friedman is cracker and thats that……

  25. Again Nameless you show your true colors, staop bashmutzing jews and inventing your horrible facts about a group you apparently dont know much about.
    If the oilam hayeshiva and oilam hachasidi is not to your liking find one of the many modern orthodox blogs that cater to your point of view.

  26. I long ago felt terrible for his poor wife and children. I’m sure (at least I hope) they despise this terrible madness.

  27. Who Knows:

    Thank you for making an exception and responding to our responses. Actually like yourself, none of us here (on E26) ever read what others post in response, we are all great anovim and like yourself we totally post lish’ma.

    While we understand that as a tinok shenishba you cant be held responsible for your misinformation (otherwise known as ignorance), I would like to state very clearly that MY dispute with you and all your ignorant friends from Jews for Mohammed is that you take the side of our enemies. From Avrohom Avinu on down Yishmael was our enemy and nothing we ever do ad bi’as goel will change that. Zionism may indeed be the evil you describe but no more so than chilul hashem, talking by davening and all the other issurim.

    Greater men than Moshe Ber aka mohammed Beck (I cant believe I cant call him a yemach shm’o) said we do not know the reward and punishment for mitzvos and avairos and so should niz’har with each one. You make Zionism the worst avairoh ever and you therefore join our enemies against other bnaei yisroel (yes the horrible tziyonim are still yidden).

    Achmed Weiss and Friedman did not speak horrible words at the conference in Iran but the fact that they spoke ANY is beyond excusable. On some machlokes we say they are l’shem shomayim and on some we say elu v’eilu divrei elokim chayim, you my friend are outside the realm of machlokes, you are a tinok shenishbah who follows yorshei g’henom. I met someone who said to me with a straight face “I dont know if what they did was right but Moshe Ber does everything l’shem shomayim”. So did Son of Sam.

    I daven for you six times a day at rifo’einu and v’lamalshinim and hope that you wake up before it’s too late.

  28. To “Who knows”:

    Without getting into the issue of Zionism (although I agree Zionism has increased the hatred towards us, it’s a far cry from saying that we would live “peacefully side by side”. You don’t know ANYTHING about the history of Iranian Jewry), I’ve asked Mr. Weiss 3 key questions, to which I got no response. and now the same questions are addressed to you:

    1) The Torah model of running the nation, speaking in it’s name, is very clear to be in the hands of Torah Leaders (see beginning of P’ Shoftim, and Sefer HaChinuch there). This is how it always was all the years until the “Inlightmentism” and “Zionism”. Talking and acting in a way that implies that “They are all blinded, we are not!”, take the same degree of “Kfirah” that it took to establish Zionism. (Read a little about the life of Gedolim, their selflessness, their inhuman devotion to Torah, to realize that they surely hate the situation of Zionism more than Mr Weis will ever hate! however, they have a broader perspective, – a Torah prospective).

    NO ONE gave them any authority to make such crucial decisions for the nation!

    2) They themselves keep saying how the Geulah will only come through Tshuvah, as appose to counting on physical strength. Are they doing ANYTHING to bring people closer, or are they spending tremendous effort to accomplish the opposite???

    3) The prohibition of making a state is rooted in the obligation of accepting Hashem’s Golus, not rebelling against it. Being in Golus under Zionist rule and dominance is no different…

    I was very ‘Mekatzer’, hoping you can fill in the blanks.

    you sound like neturei karta ,
    if things go your way and chas v’sholom israel is nuked would you still kiss achmedinejad ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

  30. PRO…
    Chill out! any comments you see on this ‘Yeshivish’, ‘Chasidsish’ site is obviously suitable for publication. You dont have to ‘LIKE’ it, you dont have to ‘AGREE’ with it, you dont have to ‘VALUE’ it. You just have to ACCEPT it!!!

  31. To ,, WHO KNOW SAYS
    you are dead wrong, don’t you know that there are 12 yiden in iran that were detained by the authorities a few years ago and never heard from again.
    are you aware that approximatly eight years ago, five yiden in iran were killed by the government on charges of being israeli spies.
    The jews in iran are being held there by force,don’t you know that they can’t leave the contry, they are not living there because iran is so good to them, they would leave that contry as soon as they can.DON’T MAKE IT SOUND LIKE THEY’RE ENJOYING LIFE THERE, THEY LIVE UNDER CONSTANT FEAR.

  32. Hey Joseph
    History is NOT your subject!
    Koran-Mohamed been around before some Zionist Conference, Infidels=Jewish Jihad, Massacre the Pigs (jews ac, Koran) during the Rambam.

  33. To,,, WHO KNOWS SAYS
    Since you got born on this world, muslims are killing jews,
    who are you to come say that a century ago these vermin were our friends. you weren’t even around then. Besides that history tells us that they hate us.

  34. To B mazel: I would love to know where you received your “chinuch”. Your comments as to how to ” daven” for whom does not speak well for your educators.
    As for Who knows: It is one thing to be a moron it is quite another to publicize it.

    As for simpleyid: “kishmo ken hu”

  35. weather you hold of the zionist medina or not is irelevant, no frum jew holds of the medina – we all know that when moshiach comes we’ll get a medina, but the neturei karta go around and try to give legitimacy to anti-semites that are bent on our destruction -THAT’S WRONG and that’s why NO GADOL TODAY LEGITIMIZED WHAT THE NETUREI KARTA DID (BY JOINING THE CONFERENCE) THEY ALL SPOKE AGAINST IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. To Pro not Anti:

    Freaky Freedy did indeed speak some very horrible words at the Amalek conference. He claimed only one million Jews were killed instead of six, and he called the churban “a successful fiction”. He is the worst of the lot.

  37. to who Knows: please were all asking you nicely next time please don’t write something like that or else…………………………………

  38. I simply fail to understand those how anyone can believe this canard that is repeated over and over again, that ‘Jews lived peacfully with their Muslim neighbours for centuries before Zionism’. Nothing can be further from the truth! You don’t have to be an historian to know that the opposite is true. Others in this blog, have brought up the Chevron massacres, the Palestinian pogroms of the 1930, the deep ties of the Mufti ymch”sh of Yerushalayim with Hitler ymch”sh, but lets say for arguments sake that the Arabs were incited by the ‘Zionists’ (which is a disgusting argument which essentialy whitewashes wholesale Arab murder of innocent Jews mostly of which, who had no connection to political Zionism).
    Zionism as a movement formed in the late 1880s and early 1890s. The term Zionism was coined by the famous Baal Teshuvah Nathan Birnbaum in 1890. Neverthless, Jewish Life in Muslim countries was no picnic before the advent of political Zionism. Here are but a few glaring examples:

    * Many Jewish tribes lived in the Arabian Penninsula for centuries following the Churban Beis Hamikdash. When Muhammad formed his religion he killed all the Jewish tribes who did not accept his call to follow him

    * Cowardice, greed, and chicanery are but a few of the characteristics that the Qur’an ascribes to the Jews and many other terrible charachter defincies and evils are ascribed to Jews in different parts of the Qur’ an as well.

    * Jews are Dhimmis or second class citizens in Muslim society. Go look up the ramifications of that status

    * 6000 Jews were massacred in Fez Morroco in 1033

    * 3000 Jews were massacred in Granada in the year 1066

    * Poet Yehudah Halevi was murdered at the gates of Yerushalayim by an Arab horsmen in 1141

    * Jewish life in Eretz Yisrael was very difficult. The Ramban writes how there was hardly a Yishuv in Yerushlayim when he arrived due to the persecutions. To this day one can see a minaret next to the Rambans shul and the Churvas Rabi Yehuda Hachassid is called that due to the fact Arabs burned the shul down in the mid 1700’s when the taxes were not paid and only rebuilt again in the mid 1800’s (and blown up by the Jordanian Legionnaires in 1948).

    * The Damascuss Blood Libel of 1840

    * The Shmad of the community of Meshad Iran

    * The punitive taxation of Libyan Jews in the 1860s

    It should be noted that life for Jews in Iran today is fraught with danger. For one, Jewish students are forced to go to school on Shabbos, and hardly any Torah is taught there at all. No, life is not all rosy as the NK reshoim would like all to believe.
    These are but a few examples, anyone can do a simple search on the web for ‘Arab anti-semitism’ for even more.
    Achmadenijad is no better than a chazir who sticks out his split hoof and says, I am Kosher, but inside is treyf rotten to the core. Achmadenijad uses these pitiful NK frauds and says, see I am Kosher, even the Jews believe me!. Yet, there were absolutely no reports that I know of if any Jewish representative from the local Iranian communities were present. There are reports today where even the Arabs are condemning this Holocaust denial gathering.
    No, NK has made anti Zionism a religion whihc has no shaychus with the shitas of the Minchas Eleazar, the Vayoel Moshe or even R’ Amram Blau zichronam livrocha. Their yetzer harah has led them to to such a hatred of all other Jews who do not hold their beliefs, where they blithly call for the ‘peaceful demise of the state of Israel’ knowing full well when Achmadenijad calls for the whole yishuv to be ‘wiped off the face of the earth’ he means in a mushroom cloud of a nuclear bomb.
    NK are reshoim and the futher we in the chareidi community make it clear that these ‘Dasans and Avirams’ are reshoim and all must ostracize them, the better.

  39. Sheryl:
    Jews for Mohammed (Netrei Karta) reds and posts to this site quite often. YW yields more clout than you realize.
    B Mazel:
    Davening is good, just re-arrange your priorities. Jews for Mohammed need our tefilos but they certainly fall under the category of malshinim. Beck has a sign up in his shul that reads “whoever believes that the medina has any good to it at all, is not yotzei kadish or kedusha in this minyan” (not verbatim). They really believe that if Iran wipes Israel off the map, no one will be hurt. His followers really believe his actions are l’shem shomayim. I speak from firsthand knowledge. They are a vile, dillusional and VERY dangerous group.
    I disagree that he is simple. To be a simple Jew is an atribute.

  40. SAYIT, I fully stand by my statement. Christian Europe has been FAR MORE VIOLENT to the Jews than the Arabs were to the Jews, both in Palestine and in the Arab countries, prior to the advent of zionism in 1898.

    Sefardic Jews had lived far more peaceful lives with the Arabs (before zionism incited the Arabs from 1898 onwards), than Ashkenazic Jews lived with Christians in Europe. Yes you will find Arabs murdering Jews prior to zionism (1898), as you will find any goyim murdering Jews (even Americans.) But Jews in Europe were FAR more prone to be attacked by Christians than by Arabs or Muslims, prior to Zionism (again, 1898.)

  41. To who knows, Wasnt the the holy satmar`a rabbe the v`yoel mosha z”l a fighter against Zionism movments. so why didnt he let to protest against Israel when he heard that arabs are planeing a protest in the same time ??
    And why doasnt he worte in V`yoel mosha that the best way to fight Israel is to kiss muslems ?? And why did he said by shalsh shidas torah 1966 that natirah karte are much worst from tzionizim ??????????????????

  42. Just to remind everyone who tries to defend Jews for Mohammed. These are the “people” who called Rav Shach zt”l a koifer for his participation in Degel HaTorah’s Knesset membership, who protested when Rav Shtainman shli”ta came to speak and now are calling Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, Satmar Rov Shli”ta the same for his lashing out at the NK. The list goes on and on. They call anyone, including our gedoilim who are properly opposed to zoinism a koifer.

  43. chachomim hizaharu bidivrechem! will all the poskim PLEASE state your sources! NOWHERE in chofetz chaim does it permit l”h on one who doesn’t follow daas torah. In klal 8:6 he permits on an apikoros which is not the same as a rosho. that is discussed in 8:7. In bm”c there he says this is only when it is litoeles to keep others from following in their ways and only when totally lshem shomayim. if it is not needed for this outcome it is ASUR! the din of rodef would also only apply if it may prevent things. sometimes simplicity is great!

  44. Dont forget that the Rebbe Reb Yoelish was paid by Zionist Rudolph Kastner to be freed from Bergen Belsen concentration camp! Its ironic that his opinion on Zionism was so negative however I’m quite surprised to hear that he STILL thought they were more worthy than NK.

  45. For the record, the Satmar Rebbe ZTV”L was friends with, and supportive of, Rav Amrom Blau and the true N.K. The Rebbe was against, and ostracized the so-called N.K. outside of E. Israel that we see today kissing the murderers.

  46. Just for your collective information here some facts regarding Muslims and Jews compiled with the help of Wikipedia.

    1)The Qur’an contains attacks on Jews for their refusal to recognize Muhammad as a prophet of G-d, and the Muslim holy text has defined Arab and Muslim attitudes towards Jews to this day, especially in the periods when Islamic fundamentalism was on the rise. Muhammad’s attitude towards Jews was shaped by his failure to convert them to the religion he preached. During his life, Jews lived in the Arabian Peninsula, especially in and around Medina. They refused to accept Muhammad’s teachings, and eventually he fought and defeated them, killing the majority of them.

    2)The words “humility” and “humilitation” occur frequently in the Qur’an and later Muslim literature to describe the condition to which Jews must be reduced as a just punishment for their past rebelliousness — the punishment that shows itself in the defeat they suffered at the hands of Christians and Muslims. The standard Quranic reference to Jews is verse 2:61


    3)The hadith continue the theme of Jewish hostility toward Muslims. One hadith says: “A Jew will not be found alone with a Muslim without plotting to kill him.” According to another hadith, Muhammad said: “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.'”(Sahih Bukhari 4:52.177) This hadith has been quoted countless times, and has become part of the charter of Hamas.


    4)Anti-Jewish sentiments usually flared up at times of the Muslim political or military weakness or when Muslims felt that some Jews had overstepped the boundary of humilitation prescribed to them by the Islamic law. In Spain, ibn Hazm and Abu Ishaq focused their anti-Jewish writings on the latter allegation. This was also the chief motivation behind the massacres of Jews of Granada in 1066, when nearly 3,000 Jews were killed, and in Fez in 1033, when 6,000 Jews were killed. There were further massacres in Fez in 1276 and 1465.


    5)Historian Martin Gilbert writes that it was in the 19th century that the position of Jews worsened in Muslim countries.

    There was a massacre of Jews in Baghdad in 1828.

    In 1839, in the eastern Persian city of Meshed, a mob burst into the Jewish Quarter, burned the synagogue, and destroyed the Torah scrolls. It was only by forcible conversion that a massacre was averted. There was another massacre in Barfurush in 1867.


    6) Benny Morris writes that one symbol of Jewish degradation was the phenomenon of stone-throwing at Jews by Muslim children. Morris quotes a 19th century traveler: “I have seen a little fellow of six years old, with a troop of fat toddlers of only three and four, teaching [them] to throw stones at a Jew, and one little urchin would, with the greatest coolness, waddle up to the man and literally spit upon his Jewish gaberdine. To all this the Jew is obliged to submit; it would be more than his life was worth to offer to strike a Mahommedan.”


    Yes, I’m sure the Zionist movement has added flames to the fire. But’s what’s another match into an already burning barn-fire?

    Read up, NK. And then dare look your bretheren in the face after you disgraced yourself, your family, and your nation.

  47. To the editor:

    >Neturei Karta lowlife’s wife files for divorce

    Was there a need for the word “lowlife”? Besides being lashon hora, it is not a good middah.

    To nameless:

    >A man can get a ‘heter meoh rabanim’ but awomen cant.

    Just to make it clear, a ‘heter meoh rabanim’ is not a divorce. Ashkenazic Judiasm fgollows the decree from Rabbeinu Gershom not to marry two wives. A ‘heter meoh rabanim’ allows a man to do so. This does not apply to women because a woman may not marry two men.

    He can make her life miserable for YEARS before he decides to give it to her.

  48. To Chacham:

    You wrote: “Was there a need for the word “lowlife”? Besides being lashon hora, it is not a good middah”.

    Yes he is a L-O-W-L-I-F-E.

    It’s not Lashon Horah.

    I won’t write anymore……I’ll let everyone else finish it for me!!


    The reason the iranians are nice to the jews in iran (1) because they wanna us to think exactly like what your saying, that they only hate israel.
    (2) If it c”vs ever came to the point of using nukes they think the israelis wont do it because of the 30,000 jews that are there, which israel will not hesitate to nuke iran if they had to, just like iran would not think twice about nukeing israel with the over million arabs.

    How dumb can you be? if zionizm is wrong or right is not the issue here now, today. Now there is no choice the fact is we are in a mess it’s to late , theses guys cant fix it by going to these confrences, if the arabs were let lose to kill jews they would and you and n”k included.

    So zionizm may be wrong but we are in a situation where we need the state of israel in jewish hands, unless you find a place for over 6,000,000 to go, cause for them to stay there and make it a palastineian state r”l all jews would get killed for they hate us now. even if your claim is true that they didnt have a problem living side by side in the past.

    So grow up and use your brain,( and no one in lakewood agrees with you) so dont misrepresent lakewood, go back to willi or whatever crooked place you came from.

  50. Lowlife is a very polite description of Herr Friedmann. It is also about as accurate as you can get without using sewer language in either English or Yiddish.

  51. arabs are like animals. they may at times seem tame and able to live with. sometimes even for a significant period. but, like an animal, they can pounce on unsuspecting prey. and then you see what they are really about.

  52. Such an argument
    Which goyim killed more, the Arabs or Europeans. Foolishness. They all were horrible neighbors. As for hugging such a rabid anti semite, more foolishness. These animals hug and kiss those that murder Jews in cold blood. How is that ever acceptable? They encourage others to kill Jews by providing a false legitimacy to their evil, there is blood on their hands.

  53. To ITZIK_S:
    Not really. If you understood my comments to be sympathtic to the Imam Friedman YM”S ( yes, I can say it on him, despite the Lakewood do-gooders who have no idea what the Chofetz Chaim wrote and really need a refresher course on what is and is not permitted vis-a-vis loshon horah), please re-read my comment. I am in total agreement with you and have not a morsel of sympathy for these “reshoim”. I was only referring to “simpleyid’s” misguided understanding of “Shemiras Haloshon”. If I was “dan” him “l’kav zchus” incorrectly, because he is one of “them” YM”S , again, I stand corrected.

  54. To the one above stating that:
    “According to our religion though, if he doesnt want to grant her a divorce, he has no obligation”

    I beg to differ. There are two ways a wife goes free, as the Mishnah states, through a get or .. As in the story with R. Akiva Eiger Ztz”l. They came pretty close to carrying out option #2 some time ago, I think if he dosen’t watch himself too well …

  55. TO: shmaser who wrote “to who Knows: please were all asking you nicely next time please don’t write something like that or else…………………………………”

    Let’s analyze this. Someone says something you don’t like, so you threaten him. That reminds me, the Iranians also threaten people they don’t like.

    This isn’t Israel. Here in the USA I have freedom of speech. And to that end, so do you. So why not come protest outside my house!

  56. nnzs you still haven’t stated any sources nor refuted mine. Also, what does your feelings about the talmidiey chachomim in Lakewood have to do with anything?

  57. yochie, the second method is not an “option”, its a occurance dictated by HB”H, not man. and if you are threatening violence, it will strike you, not your intended victim, especially in a country of laws (not anarchy) that we are fortunate to live in.

  58. Dear Who knows,

    I was planning on sitting this out, but let me just take a moment to explain that “freedom of expression” does not guarantee the right to shout “Fire” in a crowded theater, because that endagers people.

    By lending legitimacy to Jew-killers, to holocaust deniers, to people who have vowed to kill millions of Jews [even if its only those of of out brothers, sisters, and children who — horror of horros — live in Eretz Yisroel] the kooks and their defenders — whether they are malicious or whether are dimwits — pose a danger to the rest of Klal Yisroel. I’m not saying YOU are rodfim (though YOU may be), and it’s certainly in the category of “yecholim l’hatzil b’echad mei’eivarav.” But “echad mei’evareihem” includes disconnecting the keyboards of you and your colleagues.

    The Divrei Yoel zichrono l’ivrachah — the Daas Yachid who can be misconstrued might give these/you nuts legitimacy — writes that it’s obvious why we must nbe mispalel that umos ha’olam are not the ones who bring about teh end of the medinah. So he’s not in their/your camp.

    As for the “gedolei hashotim” Hirsch and Beck v’eiyposom, since they are in the geder of “man d’kapid. kapdinan lei” with regard to “ko’ach hamaf’il al hpoel,” I guess all the support the Sonei Yisroel have given them had it’s intended effect.

    Afra l’fumchem!

  59. To all those who it may concern: In general YW is a very good idea when he just reports news as is. The problem begins when he starts getting into politics, you may agree, you may disagree YWs opinion on politics, (excuse me) is worthless. It is Daas Torah & only Daas Torah that counts. If YW would like to publicize what Daas Torah has to say then that is reporting the news. But when YW is reporting A story from the unreliable corrupted distorted sewer AKA YNET (which may or may not be true) and enjoy it such a way and have responses with unlimited quotes of sources of “Rabbonim” with out quoting who said what when is ludicrous at best. To better illustrate my point YW has been promoting “operation Screwball” who are just as misguided as the NK (true there’s a big difference, there doing less damage, but thats not the point) w/o Daas Torah. One last point if this whole Bal Hagan against the NK would’ve been brought up (to this degree) when the NK were being Over all the other Avairos (like Chillul Shabbo Befarhesia) and there true color would’ve been publicized then to the level that it is now then we could’ve very likely avoided this whole thing to begin with – but that doesn’t bother these anti NK guys – get the jist?

  60. That we don’t say yimach shmo on yidden even if they are reshaim comes from R’ Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld i think and since if any yid dies without children he needs chalitza you see that to torah does care about his shem and does not wnat it to be erased. however, shem reshaim yirkav may be appropiate for real reshaim and I have seen it used for jewish reshaim

  61. >Yes he is a L-O-W-L-I-F-E.
    >It’s not Lashon Horah.

    I didn’t say it was motzi shem ra, i said it was lashon hora. Lashon hora is speaking poorly of another jew, regardless of its truth, if it is not for a constructive purpose.

    Further, there was no point to putting the word in the headline. The headline would be the same without it, and indeed would be more proffessional without it. Saying it just to say it is not a good middah.

  62. nnzs 1. before questioning the education of others look at your own. the gemara is full of tanaim and amoraim davening for reshaim to do teshuva. one example is berachos 10a where r’ meir does so based on pesukim. 2. the chofetz chaim 1:7 tells us to expect to be called simpletons by those who don’t care about lashon hara and talks about the reward we will get for it.

  63. The fact that Zionism increased the hatred is already written in the Ramak commentary on the Zohar P’ Lech Lecho. When the Zohar states that Yishmael will make trouble at the end of the Golus, the Ramak says “because they made a state”. And Rav Hutner Ztza”l has a fascinating explanation why Edom and Yishmael “switch” their levels of hatred when a jewish state is created.

    However, that doesn’t mean that “we lived peacefully side by side”… and it has nothing to do with mr Weiss’s craze, as I wrote earlier at length.

  64. Kosher Chazer Fissel!!!

    That’s what the Iranians are. … And the NK’s who were there ate the chazer!

    If these crooks want to bring closer the geulah, then let them go into Eretz Yisroel and do some real kiruv work and make Baalei Teshuvas from those Zionists (most of them are not frum from ignorance)

    Instead, they go to Iran and do kiruv (kissing) with our greatest enemy!!

    If they want their point to get across – If they want to preach against Zionism, let them do it in E. Y., in the USA or in England, but the fact that they did it in Iran and in the spotlight of Holocaust Questionable Conference showed that ALL THEY WANT IS ATTENTION AND MONEY and they are not at all interested in making a single Zionist do teshuvah!
    By going to Iran they made many stronger Zionists – anti-frum Zionists. They just made many more Religious Jews Haters all over the world!

    May we be zocheh to the Geulah Sholeima Bekoroiv when the truth will comeout…

  65. How else would Friedman ever get a picture of himself and some woman posted all over the world and especially on a frum web site if he didn’t go to Iran or any other crazy place?

    If I were to have my picture taken by the best photographer, would YW post it even if it were not with some Iranians?

    Don’t you think he looks cute there? Is he standing next to his wife and holding his baby?

  66. Why did the peaceloving Jewloving PLO kill frum Jewish kids in Antwerp waiting for their busses to go to camp? This happened in the early 80’s when there were almost no arabs living in europe. They had to travel there to kill the jews. These were not zionists. Most probably even anti zionist. These were Yiddishe kinderlach who were being killed because they were just that. So far for the peace intentions of the palestinian liberation organization.

  67. Your information is all false. Mrs. Friedman has not filed for divorce. Lowlife Friedman and his wife are moving to America and looking for a place to live that’s why they are staying at The Park House Hotel. He never went back to Vienna after Iran, he was in Budapest for the last few weeks.

  68. For all of us who are criticizing others posts…. i wonder if its worthwhile to re-read our comments before we click it, just to be certain we are not violating the principal we are ranting about (and thus be held accountable based upon our judgments of others).

    Wishing all the best to all.

  69. A follow up to what Y.K SAID.
    Its always the same commentators who are adressing the Loshon Hora issues.
    I just ‘LOVE’ the way they read the stuff and THEN crticize it as being LH.


  71. Good morning Nameless:
    I promise not to criticize you today! 🙂
    Your response on the LH issue is perfect!!!

    I totally agree, what did all the other lowlives do to deserve being degrated to this Jew for Mohammed’s status. YW editor, I think you owe an apology to all us lowlives.

    Heh heh, 5 cups o’ coffee and counting!

  72. The Halach is as clear as can be, the Chofetz Chaim mentions it hundreds of times ‘Beoseh maaseh amcho”. It would be a sad joke if someone would even think of saying kissing the modern Hitler YM”s, maasering the Viener Rosh Yeshiva etc etc is Maaseh amcho”……..

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