Boro Park: Anti Neturei Karta Protest

An anti Neturei Karta rally was held in Boro Park on the corner of 12th Avenue and 48th Street in front of the Park House Hotel. Apparently Neturei Karta member, Mr. Moshe Aryeh Friedman was staying there for Shabbos. Hundreds gathered on Friday night and Motzei Shabbos. (Pictures of the Motzei Shabbos Hafganah in the YW Photo Album.)

28 Responses

  1. Much better!!!
    Last Sunday the protest, while worthy, was organized (if you could call it that) by the JDO and was joined by people from outside our immediate heimish community. While that was a good start, last night at least we showed up without invitation, dressed as we should be in our yiddish garb, to protest the new missionary group “JEWS FOR MOHAMMAD”.
    Last week the JEWS FOR MOHAMMAD were actually quite encouraged by the meek protest which included a rendition of hatkva.
    I know first hand that they are using last weeks protest to win over chasidishe supporters saying “our detractors are all ardent tziyoinim”. It is very important that we show that we are not blind supporters of zionism but that we are opposed to this vile group Much better!!!
    Last Sunday the protest, while worthy, was organized (if you could call it that) by the JDO and was joined by people from outside our immediate heimish community. While that was a good start, last night at least we showed up without invitation, dressed as we should be in our yiddish garb, to protest the new missionary group “JEWS FOR MOHAMMAD”.
    Last week the JEWS FOR MOHAMMAD were actually quite encouraged by the meek protest which included a rendition of hatkva.
    I know first hand that they are using last weeks protest to win over chasidishe supporters saying “our detractors are all ardent tziyoinim”. It is very important that we show that we are not blind supporters of zionism but that we are opposed to the horrible activities of the supposed group NK, which I prefer to call JEWS FOR MOHAMMAD.

  2. So sorry that we didnt know about the NK protest against sonei yisroel, would have brought the entire block from flatbush.

  3. ‘We are not responsible for any of the guests staying in our hotel’
    was the sign on the door of the hotle.
    what was the message exactly???? was this the ‘green light’ for the demostrators to beat up on mr. Friemann??

  4. Hamikve was sung at the JDO demonstration? The real words or a parody? If the former, we have to remember that Hamikve, with its message of prikus oyl malchus Shamayim chas vesholom, is not our derech and is in some ways worse than the NK clown show.

  5. Joseph posts the same thing here that was posted as anonymous on another website.

    Why be so dismissive?
    Anybody looking at the pictures could see adults as well as bochorim.
    And although I am sure some were looking for somthing to do, others were certainly emesdigh.
    How do you know that they were “at risk kids”
    Or, is that a really convenient way to avoid an important topic.

    BTW NK-USA has more than it’s share of people taking up space, including at risk kids, at it’s events.

  6. i rate this in a long line of N.K. victories, like that jdl rally in monsey, where the protesters come across as jokers, and the nk as organized.

  7. Where I come from, the national anthem is called The Star Spangled Banner. The song to which you refer is called “haniggun hayadua” in my circles, and I proudly sing and listen to”Hashem Hu Malkeynu” even though it was hijacked by a group of ragtag idiots who stole it from the tzaddik and ohev yisroel Reb Amram Bloy ZYA.

    Oh, and my mp3 of “Hashem Hu Malkenu,” which is one of my favorite tracks, was recorded not by the clowns but by a former paratrooper in EY who is fed up with the failure of the medina.

  8. For all of you who are demaning the National Anthem of the Medina, lemme just remind you that Holocaust victims were very emotionally singing that song in the camps , hopeful of eventually being freed of their suffering!and that was way before anti zionist rhetoric came about. Lets NOT TRAMPLE ON IT COMPLELTY!


  10. Nameless, that is absolutely not true, I heard of many many stories of great yidden singing b’simcha before their death al kiddush hashem, never once did I hear of hatikva being sung.

    The point I made about hatikva is as follows:
    We cannot let our approval or disapproval of zionism be the issue with which we attack Jews for Mohammed. Our digust with that vile group must only be about the fact that they are joining our son-im (enemies) for their cause. While they have chosen a terrible time and manner to espew their message, the message is not what we protest but the venue is.

    Joining the JDO and singing hatikva at the protest only serves to give them chizuk and perhaps causes others to join them.

  11. PRO….
    I am not condoning their singing the anthem as a show of support for the State of Israel.
    I am just touched by the fact that during their most brutal experience in our history our ancestors sang the Hatikvah in the hope that they will one day be free not knowing or being preoccupied with the contreversy or future contreversy involving Zionism.
    Yes I agree that our disgust with this group should be based on their latest visit to Iran and the surroundings.

  12. I grew up with numerous Iranian Jewish families, mostly from Teheran and Isfahan. Many of them have travelled back and forth to Iran several times since the Ayatollahs have been in power.

    All of them repeatedly told me the even under the Ayatollah, life for Jews was very good. Muslims are not allowed to own liquor stores as alcoholic beverages are forbidden by Sha’aria. Jews however are free to operate liquor stores and wine shops and are never harassed by the religious police. The Jewish community there is under the government’s protection.

    I think too many people are being emotional about the NKs visit to Iran and are not using their brains… For example, Mahmood Ahmadinejad said: “Thanks to people’s wishes and God’s will the trend for the existence of the Zionist regime is downwards and this is what God has promised and what all nations want…Just as the Soviet Union was wiped out and today does not exist, so will the Zionist regime soon be wiped out”.

    Now THINK, the Soviet Union was NOT wiped out… It was peacefully dismantled. If Anti-Zionism equaled Anti-Semitism as the Zionists claim, then the Iranian community in Iran would have ceased to exist LONG ago.

  13. “I am just touched by the fact that during their most brutal experience in our history our ancestors sang the Hatikvah in the hope that they will one day be free”

    Do you have a source for this? I have never heard this before, and I am curious as to the reference for this information.

  14. Bacci 40
    I am not sure that they would be allowed to refuse a Neo Nazi guest by law.
    The Freedom of Speech Press and Religion is a strong issue in america!

  15. bacci, what seems to have happened is that Freeky Freedy reserved under an assumed name and showed up very close to Shabbos so that he could not be thrown out.

  16. I say that everyone has their viewpoint. I happen to know some very nice NK people, my brother who is named in NK circles as “baby Ahron” happens to be a very harmless person, who likes to make a little trouble sometimes but doesn’t mean it like that. It’s like for example: if alittle baby goes into the laundry room and knocks down the soap bottles are you going to be upset with him? No! Or if he stats pulling all the seforim off the shelf, so it’s the same thing.

  17. Yes it is indeed true that there were certain Chassidim who danced and sang on their way to the gas chambers. But these are TZADDIKIM we are only BEN ONIM.
    This reminds me of a story about a childless couple who went to the Baal Shem Tov for abrocho to have children. He granted them the Zechus and ayear later the woman bore a child.
    When the Baal Shem tov was called to the Bais Din Shel Maaaloh, he was crticized for giving them this brocho because it was Hashem’s choice for this couple NOT to have children and he mixed in. So he was told that he will go back down but he loses his Oilom Haboh. The Ball Shem Tov started to dance for joy saying that NOW he can atleast serve Hashem WITHOUT an alterior motive. THIS IS A madreigo!

  18. I have heard many misstatements regarding Neturei Karta members being mechalel Shabbos chas v’shalom.

    People are listening to loshon horo and accepting loshon horo regarding this issue.

    Mr. Moshe Aryeh Friedman may agree in principle with NK and attend demonstrations, but he has never identified himself as Neturei Karta and he actually makes it clear publicly in statements that he is not a member of Neturei Karta. He has stated this numerous times. He attended Iran on his own and represented himself.

    Mr. Friedman also follows a psak that speaking on a microphone is in the category of gramma and is not a melacha. No one in Neturei Karta agrees with him on this issue and they distance themselves from him on this issue.

    So, if someone wants to attack Friedman about this, go ahead, but Neturei Karta has never been mechalel Shabbos. Don’t hold every person guilty for the actions of one person.

  19. ZEHAVI
    If YOU WANA FIND A ‘ KAF ZECHUS’ in the NK FOR NOT AGREEING WITH FRIEDMAN’S psak on speaking into amicrophone on Shabbos, I dont think you’ll score many points on this site!
    ‘dont hold everyone guilty for the actions of one person’ goes against what aour sages tell us;

  20. Zehavi:
    If you would like to distance yourself and the real Neturei Karta from Friedman and Jews for Mohammed, then do as Satmar did by taking out full page ads condemning his vile actions.
    However if you do a quick search on Neturei Karta you will find nkusa is proudly supporting Friedman and his actions.
    I will condemn the entire Neturei Karta worldwide because at this time of great sakkuneh the myths of Neturei Karta, Achmed Friedman and all you Jews for Mohammed need to stop supporting the terrorists.

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