Monsey: Major Yeshiva expansion planned

There are plans for a rabbinical college in the Rockland County village of Pomona – that would triple the village population and put as many as ten buildings on 100 acres of woodlands.

The property at the intersection of Routes 306 and 202 was sold in 2005 to the Congregational Rabbinical College of Tartikov in Brooklyn by Yeshiva of Spring Valley for $13 million dollars, according to Ramapo land records, cited by the Journal News.

Preserve Ramapo, a group opposed, to down-zoning for religious schools with housing for students and faculty, posted the plans this week on its Web site.

The Web site shows plans for nine residential buildings between four and six floors high and a three-story school.

Attorney Paul Savad of Nanuet says plans will be submitted to the village in about two months.

The project could have a dramatic impact on what’s now a semi-rural area at the foothills of the Ramapo Mountains.

Savad says the developer has bought ten homes and surrounding properties create a buffer zone. He says most of the construction would be in the middle of the property and it would be screened from the roads by landscaping.

It is next to Patrick Farm – which is a 200-acre parcel – that’s been mentioned for multi-family homes and religious schools by another Brooklyn developer. However, no plans have been submitted to the town of Ramapo, according to town attorney’s office.

Journal News Article 1

Journal News Article 2

17 Responses

  1. I am opposed to high density building in this area and in patrick farm. I move to this area 21 years ago to get away from the urban blight and bumper to bumper traffic that is so profilic in the nyc and in downtown monsey.

    In addition the munical resources were not built for this type of density.
    Water and sewaage resources would collapse under the burden of this tow properties being built.

    This area is set up for one acre zoneing. That means ONE, ONE FAMILY house per acre of land. Not the illigal two families homes, with the so call Pesach kitchen and seperate entrance in the lower level.

    I am sure I will be blasted for my comments, But is continues to amaze me that developers, who have no personal interest, or care this forested communites except to clear lot and make Rockland county look like 13th ave with trees. DO us all a favor and stay in Brooklyn and ruin your own back yards

  2. To” torahtotty;

    I live in Monsey much longer than you.
    I come from a family of 12 k”ah.
    All of us love Monsey, we all want to stay in Monsey, we all grew up here, work here, send our kids to school here. I personally have established a beautiful business here B”H.
    I hope that my children can also stay here and not go back to Brooklyn where my Bubby z”l lived 45 years ago. (My parents came to Rockland because of the same reason you came….)
    I am sure investing in Monsey and building Multi Family Houses so that I can “shep nachas” iy”h from MY children, and probably so YOU can do the same from YOURS!!!

    Enjoy Rockland!

    Enjoy seeing it GROW!

    Most of the families that are in desperate need of housing live here longer than YOU and have absolutely no plans on moving away. We enjoy it more than you!

    Water/Sewer problems??? BLUFF

    I live here long enough to remember hearing the same “worry” some 30 years ago when a Yeshivah was being built locally at that time! There was never a problem there, we always had enough water B”H (even though the opposition predicted we would die from thirst!) Many, many houses were added after the Yeshivah and there is still enough water. We managed very well with sewer as well.

    Good luck fighting, but the need for Rockland “Born” couples to built their future house in Monsey is stronger than ‘your’ desire for peace and quiet!!!

  3. to envoy

    I would love to have my children and grand children live here. except, for the fact they CANNOT AFORD TO.when the average price for a house in this area exceeds $450,000. AND YOU THINK BY ADDING MORE OVERPRICED HOMES WILL HELP. The apartments being built will be strictly for the kollel families and who are these families, not any one who presently lives in Monsey, I am sure of that

    A kollel family can aford a 450.000 house, I dont think so and neither can most young couples.

    So wake up and realize that we have succeeded in building and frum community here and have succeeded in pricing our children OUT OF THE THE AREA, just like in NYC and with more success like that who know were our children will have to move to aford housing.



  4. TorahTotty

    very impressive –

    1) You and only you know who will move in and where they will not be from.
    2) You want less housing and cheaper prices so that your children can afford to move in. By your logic, the smaller the amount of houses on the market (supply) the exponentially smaller the amount of the purchasers (demand) thus house prices will fall through the floor.
    3) you have determined that all these people from “elsewhere” will be a drain on the County welfare program (b/t/w – this sounds a lot like the way the anti-semites of old would call the Jews “leaches”)

    I moved here 18 years ago to live in an environment that supports Torah, cherished Torah and to be surrounded by Torah.

    As for the developers – I could not care of their motives – nor could I care of your motives for doing whatever it is you do professionally.

    Final, we all know that “all caps” = “yelling” – State your opinion and stop with the name calling. Your “facts” are dubious at best and lies at worst. Please stop confusing your opinion and your prejudices with facts.



    Wow. A supposed “Torah Totty” who is disgusted with the concepts of apartments for Kolles students. Afraid he’ll have to part with some money in order to subsidize these “leeches”, as mdl so aptly wrote. Monsey is so overpriced, so lets not build any more homes. Especially for “students”.

    Real Torah values. You’re in good, albeit not exactly heimish, company; there have been stories galore of neighborhoods fighting the influx and growth of Torah communities.

  6. mdlevine: I don’t claim to be an expert in history, but if the Jews were leeching money from the non-Jews, maybe they deserved to be hated.

    I do claim to be an expert on traffic, however, and I can tell you from many years of personal experience that the traffic is ridiculous. I assume adding all these people will just clear it up.

  7. Dear Dr.
    I guess by your profession you have no income proplems and can easly afford the doubling of our taxs every 18 years
    How can I say that the Yeshiva will fill wilth students from outside, that is easy. The yeshiva is a Chasidic group with no large presence inthe Monsey area. THis is not Vitnitz or Satmar which clearly have large representation inthis area and where this Yeshiva would be a natural out growth.
    Also YOU explain to me then the facts as you seem them. The kollel students are supporting themselves HOW. You think the Montly stipend they receive even begins to cover their family expenses!!! PLEASE FACE The facts a MAJORITY OF OUR KOLLEL STUDENTS DO RECEIVE PUBLIC ASSITANCE OF SOME TYPE PERIOD. THis is not anit semtism, G-d forbid just an observation of the facts.
    this are not opinions just obvious observations, you appear to be educated why dont you do your own research before jumping to conclusions and you will see for you self that what I have written is true. If I am wrong I will gladly admit it, but do your research and you will see who is right on this matter.
    For what I do all day, I sit and learn without the benefit of government assistance

  8. just another issue here that should be reviewed by our gedolim shlita, not by typical self serving bloggers – and since I am one of them, and a Lakewood resident, not Monsey – they should allow the bdg be done, however ‘gedorim’ should made by greedy builders not to overbuild and have growing iyh large families living in cheaply built houses with inadequate or safe roads, on top of each other – this will lead to problems down the road – check out Westgate in Lakewood to see exactly what I mean

  9. TorahTotty – there you go again jumping to conclusions! “Dear Dr.” just observing things and stating the facts as they are. how silly! My wife and kids will love to find out that I became a Dr. (ever hear of initials???)

    You claim that you are a person who sits and learns all day – with no public assistance. Great – Kol haKavod – is it your RICH parents or in-laws that provide for your needs? Perhaps HaShem blessed and you struck it rich early in life (or later) (and want to keep it all for yourself). Maybe it was a big inheritence —- see how all sorts of conclusions can be reached AND none of them could be true!. Observations and opinions are perspectives NOT facts.

    Shevach – learn your history – we (historically)were depreived of livelihoods in many societies throughout the world. We were oppressed and to rile the hatred against us – we were compared to leeches trying to suck the blood (money) from society. Re: traffic – There are many Bli ayin hora children and school buses that pass my house and that I follow until I get to the highway to go to work. there are 16,000 kids is private schools in the ERSD – these school buses and these kids are our answer to hitler ym’s and all those who have tried to kill us throughout the years. The additional cars and the additional water/sewerage, the additional Shuls/Yeshivas, the additional shopping centers – these are also our answers to those who wish us dead(HaShem have mercy).

    Choose your sides carefully – choose your words carefully: Most people moved here because of the growing community – some folks feel that once there was room for ME, the expansion must stop – how silly! Remember that much of this area was farm land or wooded areas at one point and perhaps if the folks back then protested like you do today, you would not have this area to call home.

    If you like the sight of these children stay and enjoy, if not, I am sure you can find a nice quiet sleepy little village to call home somewhere else away from all these “Neshamalas” learning Torah and doing Chesed – away from the Shuls/Yeshivas, away from all the amenities that we take for granted living where we do.

  10. Anyone know of BUILDERS, INVESTORS, DEVELOPERS who work for tzedakah projects only? There’s a $$$$ angle here, that we are missing. When there’s $$$ to be gained-nothing else is impt.

  11. “The kollel students are supporting themselves HOW. You think the Montly stipend they receive even begins to cover their family expenses!!! PLEASE FACE The facts a MAJORITY OF OUR KOLLEL STUDENTS DO RECEIVE PUBLIC ASSITANCE OF SOME TYPE PERIOD.”

    Yes, that’s a scary thought. Perhaps they might come knocking on your door to ask for a donation, perish the thought.

    I agree- let all of us band together, and make takanos not to let Kollels into our towns and cities. Who needs these people who take public assistance! What an embarrasment for our town. Working people only, that’s the spirit!

    Not only that- but to preserve the genteel nature of our town, let’s not allow ANYONE take public assistance- Food Stamps, Housing assistance, OUT! Let’s not allow our town to degenerate into one of those, you know, Jewish slum towns where the people either don’t work for a living or don’t work hard enough or smart enough for a living.

    When we came to town, we were the final crowning touch; no one else need enter! Certainly not one of THOSE types…

  12. sayitlieitis – I go to work and I receive $’s – I assume you do also. Shouldn’t the builders/investors/developers operate under the same model? (just make sure they treat their employees fairly or they will ruffle the feathers of the conservative “rabbis”)

  13. “There are many Bli ayin hora children and school buses that pass my house and that I follow until I get to the highway to go to work. there are 16,000 kids is private schools in the ERSD – these school buses and these kids are our answer to hitler ym’s and all those who have tried to kill us throughout the years. The additional cars and the additional water/sewerage, the additional Shuls/Yeshivas, the additional shopping centers – these are also our answers to those who wish us dead(HaShem have mercy).”

    No-one is saying that it is a bad thing that 16,000 kids are in private schools, or that frum Jews use up a lot of water. The problem is the concentration in a place without the resources to support the community.

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