Yeshivaworld News roundup 1/12/07

Rav Mendel Hager Shlita from E”Y is in Lakewood where he will be staying for Shabbos at the home of R’ Yackov Glick 1015 Lawrence Ave. The Tishen will be in Bais Faiga Hall.

Rav Yankel Galinsky Shlita will be speaking in Yeshivas Bais Meir in BP today at 2:00PM

This MS will be the dinner for Mosdos Bobov taking place in ATC Hall in BP Bihishtatfus the Bobover Rebbe Shlita Rav Bentzion Halberstam Shlita. Rav Noach Olbaum Shlita will be the guest speaker at the dinner.

Maran Hagoen Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita will be spending Shabbos in Lakewood Likovid the Sheva Brachos of an Einekle, a son of Rav Reuven Schepansky Shlita  RAM in Mirrer Yeshiva.

This Shabbos is the Yartzheit of Hagoen Rav Mordechai Gifter ZATZAL R”Y Telz Cleveland. His Eidim, Rav Avrohom Chaim Feuer Shlita has traveled to Cleveland to deliver a Hesped.

Rav Yeshoshua Herschel Bick Shlita, the Mezhbizuer Rav is spending Shabbos in Lakewood at the home of R’ Avrohom Brandwein 680 Park Avenue and will be davening at the Nadvorna BM.

This MS a major Siyum is taking place in Yeshiva Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway. Close to 70 Bochrim are being Mesayim Mesechta Kesubos. Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita will be speaking at the Siyum. Close to 300 Bochrim will be spending Shabbos in the Yeshiva.

There will be a Sheva Brachos this MS in Peekskill Yeshiva for an Einikle of Maran Hagoen Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita.

This Shabbos is the Bar Mitzvah of an Einikle of Rav Elya Svei Shlita and an Einikle of Rav Yitzchok Fagleshtock Shlita taking place in Eretz Yisroel. The Bar Mitzvah Bochur is the son of Rav Aron Shlomo Svei.

This Shabbos will be the Oif Roif for a futer-son-in-law of Rav Yackov Fensterheim Shlita (Magid Shiur in Scranton Yeshiva). The Oif Roif is taking place in Cleveland.

The Viznitz Rebbe Shlita from Monsey will be spending Shabbos in BP at the home of R’ Avrohom Einhorn 1673 Street. The Tefillos and Tischen will be taking place in the Viznitzer BM on 18th Avenue and 53rd Street.

6 Responses

  1. you forgot to mention that the Skulener Rebbe will be ib BP for Shabbos. He will be attending his granchilds sheva brachos.

  2. you also forgot to mention the chasunah of the einikel of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlit”a and Rav Elyashiv Shlit”a to the einikel of Rav Gavriel Knopfler Shlit”a of Manchester last week!

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