Attention all Sullivan County summer vacationers

Below is an article about the imminent building of a $600 million Dollar casino on the site of the present Monticello raceway.

Please flood The NY Governor’s office with calls. Please speak politely but firmly and explain that building a casino in the Catskill Mountains will completely change the make up of the area. It will bring crime, prostitution and other social problems to the area. As residents of Sullivan County we are very opposed to the casino being built at Monticello Raceway.

Governor’s Phone number: 518-474-8390

Email the Governor by clicking HERE 

Write the Governor:

Eliot Spitzer
State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

(Times Herald Record)

A Monticello casino is near the top of Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s to-do list, his point man on gaming issues says.

“This is on our radar screen,” said Richard Rifkin, special counsel to the governor and Spitzer’s adviser on the casino proposals in the Catskills.

Last month, the feds gave environmental approval for a $600 million, St. Regis Mohawk casino at the Monticello Raceway.

Spitzer now must concur with the findings, and reach a revenue-sharing agreement with the Mohawks.

“It is high on the agenda,” Rifkin told the Times Herald-Record. “He is well aware of what the federal government has done here in the finding of no significant impact. We now have to consider our response. We are not going to take a year and three months to evaluate this.”

But Rifkin said the governor’s first priority is the state budget. The casino will be on hold for about two months during the budget process.

“He generally supports the idea of casinos in the Catskills,” Rifkin said. “I haven’t had a chance to brief him on all the elements of the Mohawk proposal. There is a definite interest in casinos in the Catskills.”

Spitzer met privately Monday with Sen. John Bonacic, R-C-Mount Hope. The two talked about the Mohawk casino, health care and property taxes.

“We have been up and down this casino road many times,” Bonacic said yesterday. “With Gov. Spitzer though, things seem different. He means what he says and says what he means “I believe he wants to get it done.”

17 Responses

  1. please provide an email address where we can send comments to the Governors office as well as a mailing address to send letters. Thank you

  2. Let’s use all the Jewish clout that we can, to shelve this casino plan. So much $$$ has been spent on camps, yeshivos, summer homes, hotels, etc. in the Catskill area, we are responsible to ensure a home away from home for our kids and grandkids without the dangers of a lurking casino. It will be most efficient to join together with the Catskill residents in changing this plan.

  3. I called and they say that letters need to be sent to:

    Executive Chambers
    State Capital
    Albany, NY 12224

    Attention: The Honorable Governor Eliot Spitzer

  4. I think it’s a lost cause. All year residents of the Catskills want the casino because it will bring tourists and jobs to the area in which they are severely lacking. 🙁

  5. I agree that this is a big problem not only because of imports but because of our own childrens risks. i really hope every1 calls

  6. Not so fast. Are we sure that casinos are a bad thing? Won’t the casinos bring a better class of people to the area? I have not heard from Rabbi Wachtofogel or Rabbi Gorelick of South Fallsburg that they are so against this. In fact, they happen to be very close to Spitzer, and will be able to sway him, if in fact Daas Torah is against.

  7. I’m afraid one thing about Spitzer is-which you should know about-If he wants something done-nothing usually gets in his way.Its a pretty scary fact.

  8. its hard to believe that gambling would ever take off in the catskills – Atlantic City is much closer to Manhattan and also serves the Philly market and gambling there barely survives. Most Bihaymos who gamble really want to go to Vegas. and the old ‘greena’ Jews are mostly in Florida or taking busses to AC, leaving No market to a basically rundown delapidated area of the Catskills. (check out main street Monticello or Fallsburgh)And when the gamblers start coming to the Catskills and see frum people everywhere – they will run away fast – this is no longer the borsht belt – its more like the borsht gartel!

  9. MichaelR, of course it is a bad thing. Gambling is a social ill that destroys people and families. If it is easily accessible, some frum people will go and some will get caught up in a gambling addiction and the impact on those people and their families will be devastating.

  10. michael, “Casinos will bring a better class of people”?

    Have you ever been to one? I have, when I had to be at a convention in Vegas, and the only way to get to your hotel room is via the casino. I can assure you that the people there are not Tzadikim gimurim.

  11. The casino is a terrible this. MichaelR what would give you an idea that any Rav would want the casino in their neighborhood?
    Second of all, I don’t know those 2 rabbonim but I think it’s doubtful they can sway him. This is big money for the state – can lead to lower taxes – good for his political career.
    I don’t think we stand a chance.

  12. Himmelstein:
    First, your geography lesson: Monticello is markedly closer to NYC than Atlantic City in both miles and travel time.
    Next, marketing: Casino gamblers often never see the surrounding communities. They travel to the casino, see the shows, drop their gelt and go home. No matter how they arrive, they don’t really care about the surroundings if the facility is a full service one, ie. meals, shopping, gaming and other entertainment.
    As for “how they arrive”: it’s interesting to note that no other major gaming area has an airport closer than Monticello. Sullivan County offers a 6300 x 150 ft runway with precision approaches, capable of handling any private and most transport aircraft in almost any weather and it’s less than 10 minutes by car from the racetrack The really high rollers fly in and out and airport proximity can make a difference.

  13. hey nesher, ich bin nisht a mayvin vaygin atlantic city but I could see you obviously never used ACY for a flight before. They have a 6100′ runway and a 10,000′ runway.

  14. Very short sighted- destro613.
    You are a believer in “money can buy me love, love”.
    No principles, rather I save cash, do it.

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