The El Al letter

elalletter.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE.) This is the letter from El Al:

Dear travel partners. El Al and the Rabbi’s Committee for the Holiness of Shabbat (with the blessing of the great Rabbis) reached an agreement that will enable the Orthodox community to fly El Al.

El Al will continue observing Shabbat as we have been doing since 1982. El Al gave the consent that, in case of the unusual need to operate on Shabbat, El Al will approach the Chief Rabbi of Israel (Sephardi), Shlomo Amaar, to get the Halacha (Jewish religious laws) position.

El Al anticipates the Orthodox community to appreciate its effort and create a clear preference to fly El Al.

Thank you for your continued support and loyalty through the years.

Shabbat Shalom.

11 Responses

  1. Which gedolim signed it? Why doesn’t it say that if they do fly on shabbos without the gedolims consent that they will get a fine etc…

  2. If you think about it , only 35 per cent of travellers are Shomer Shabbos!
    The ‘AM KOIDESH’ wins again. Kol Hakovod!

  3. I response to Nisht ahe nisht aher:
    You evidently didn’t read the final agreement made between El Al and the Gedolim. An Askan stepped in and put $5000,000.00 in escrow. If they fly on Shabbos without a Hetter, the Askan Loses the money. He claims he will go after El Al in court. (to be seen…..stay tuned!!!)

  4. Mosheg49:
    With all respect to the askan, what claim does he have in court against El AL
    EVEN if they fly on Shabbos???? OR are you being sarcastic??

  5. Thank you mosheg49! Was that five hundred thousand dollars or five milliom you didn’t put the comma so maybe you made a mistake?

  6. I was wondering the same thing as Nisht ahe nisht aher said. How do we know if this is true. Which of the Gedolim have signed it? I didn’t see any signatures by any of them as of yet. So is this really true?

  7. agguda is saying it is now ok to fly el al…i called myself and i was told as such. you can all call if you want to verify. im sure they wouldnt advise ppl that it is ok to fly el al unless the gedolim have agreed to it

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