El Al: Thursday evening blues

On Thursday evening El Al flight 002 from JFK to Tel Aviv was forced to return one hour after takeoff after an one of its engines stopped working. Shortly after circling and dumping it’s fuel the emergency landing took place without incident. The flight, which happens to have a Niftar on board is re-scheduled for Motzei Shabbos. In addition, the other flight tonight from El Al – flight number 008 – was supposed to take off at 9:30PM which ended taking off at 10:54PM is now scheduled to land in Tel Aviv 3:45PM. Candle lighting tomorrow in Yerushalayim is 4:09PM!! This does not look good.

19 Responses

  1. EVERYTHING is yad Hashem. But things like this happen when there is NO religious contreversy as well, dont forget. I dont think its up to us to decide WHY this plane had these difficulties. Its possible that Hashem had other cheshboines!

  2. FYI: elal has the ability- as does any other pilot- to save on a 11 hour flight about 2 hours of flying time thus ariving in aprox 8 hours. The reason this is not done on a regular basis is that the plane uses much more jet fuel, and therefore it is not cost effective, I would say that there is a big chance the flight will arive way before 3:45. But we will see.

  3. Those who don’t whant to see blue&white on shabos in the sky(M.beigin’82) this fine. but this what we don’t whant- don’t say u r shomer shabos (as a sale pitch for the charadim) & u r ariving 24 min before lict tzinden. there dos not have to be a jewish airline (‘blue&white’) in that case, if it is not passable to make money. we’ll go with contenental.but don’t tell us we jew re shomer shabos

  4. Right u are about the american flight, its arriving at 15:41, when I was on the el al web site, I had a look at all the other arrivals, there is one from Luxemburg at 9pm friday nite. And from amsterdam twenty minutes after nacht, so there is plenty of chilul shabbos going on behind de scenes. I really hope they do come to an agreement very soon. Good Shabbos.

  5. In halacha it would be not permitted to leave yourself so little time in the first place before departing on such a trip erev shabbos.
    It should be made clear by the rabbonim to the olam that it is assur to travel so close to shabbos regardless of which airline or means of transportation used and regardless of any boycott.
    Anyone getting stuck in the airport has only himself to blame and not ELAL.

  6. Anyone taking a flight Thursday night, especially on El Al, knows they are playing with real fire.

    That said, I have spent more than one shabbat at the Ben Gurion airport hotel enjoying their cholent because there was no way home in the 7 minutes to lecht benchin from when we deplaned — and certainly no time to collect luggage until Motzei Shabbat. The last time, I promised myself never to place myself in that situation again.

    Don’t blame El Al when you give yourself a one hour window on a transatlantic flight, and board the plane in New York knowing beforehand that touchdown is under an hour from lecht benchin on the other side.

  7. These Thursday nite flights have had these issues for years.

    I for one wouldn’t take those flights, unless it was an emergancy.

    In terms of El Al’s Shabbos policy…This flight was scheduled to take-off and land before Shabbos, if someone flies on a Friday, these things can happen.

    Should El Al also cancel it’s Thursday flights?

  8. this flight is landing here in 20 minutes at 3:41 with enough time to clear customs and get to Bnei Brak for Shabbos (without a shower).

  9. TO: Paki

    FYI the flights you saw are NOT elal plains look at the flight number alot of airlines have codeshare with elal and that is not a problem at all.

  10. Not sure what the problem is if the kol koreh is in effect and no one frum is flying them……


    There are plenty of variables when dispatching a flight. An aircraft is not a car – stepping on the gas to go faster is not always the solution. The daily trans-atlantic tracks in use, weather conditions and ATC European routing are just some of the issues that come into play. The flight crew can request direct routing and flight levels to help them along, if ATC can accomodate they will.

  11. Whoever is a religious person and just decides to take a flight that lands 1 hr before shabbos is not too bright im sorry to say it. If there are extenuating circumstances thats another thing but other than that its not advisable. EL AL doesnt have to take into account the fact that You will not be able to get home , shower, grab a snack, talk to your family and walk 20 minutes to go pray. If their planes are grounded and secured by shabbos that is enough. If you dont want to take that specific flight you dont have to. There are many others. This is no way causes a chillul Hashem.

  12. Nananach,
    As someone who flys a lot and also as one who knows how these things work, it is very difficult if not impossible to shave that much time off the trip. Once they are cleared for trans oceanic voyage they pretty much have no control as Air Traffic Control (of whichever country it is) tells them where they have to be and when. All this is coordinated so that there are CHV no accidents over the Ocean. While it is true that domesticly they could shave time off the flight, that would be if the captain requested more “direct” routes than the routes generally filed and approved by the ATC.

    Of course to the lay person they have no idea what I was talking about but I could tell you that you learn a lot from flying airlines like United that allow you to listen in to the cockpit on most flights.

  13. now we just see that the same happend to flight 007 on the day the boyycot start now the same after boycut finish flight 002….

  14. According to the ElAl website, flight 008 landed Friday at 3:54pm. With all the other flights arriving between 3 and 4pm, I dont know how anyone sane could have been on this flight.

    Also according to their site, a flight from Luxemburg arrived at 20:15 on LAYL SHABBOS and a flight from Amsterdam arrived MOTZAI SHABBOS at 17:45 (5:45pm). This, my dear friends, is a bunch of garbage as shabbos was “over” in TLV at 5:30pm! This means that the flight flew over Israel either on Shabbos or very shortly after Shabbos if it landed from the west.

  15. i hope never to fly el al בל‮”‬נ

    the best and most kosher is the other aurlines that have no chashash chilul shabos

  16. yyy,

    what about when they land on shabbos (which as goyim they could) and the airport workers that unload the baggage and service the aircraft are jewish?

  17. TO: YYY you are making the chilul hashem worse. If you have bad things to say keep it to yourself. I don’t go on yw to see people saying bad things, even if they are right.
    TO: Mark Levin thats exactly what yyy is saying so why are you saying what about if he said exactly that. Enough with the chilul hashem if you don’t want to fly elal then don’t but you don’t have to publicize it. Also you don’t worry about the airport workers thats what the gedolim are doing not you. Thanx!

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