El Al: Is the end near?

Yeshivaworld received reports of some major high level meetings which took place this evening in Yerushalayim between El Al officials and Gedolei Rabbonim. There is talk that this fiasco might come to an agreement tomorrow morning, or possibly not – (by releasing the Kol Korah?). Lets wait until tomorrow and see.

15 Responses

  1. some people appreciate a “minute by minute” review. some have even openly here begged for Y.W. to provide every possible update.
    if you are personally not interested in this issue to such an extent, you might want to avail yourself of the option of ignoring such updates.


  2. So long as YW is a free service, I’m not sure it’s appropriate to comment on what we do or don’t “need”. We might be better off being grateful for what we do like, and remaining silent on what we don’t.

    Paying customers to media such as a newspaper might have more of a platform to voice their preferences or complaints to the editor.

  3. bklynmom-isn’t this site about news????And besides,people are following this story very closely and would like to hear every detail as it happens..

  4. excuse me but some people have tickets and might have a hefsed merubah ie: therefore they are following any new news that is released.

    ps i happen to have 2 tickets purchased before the ban

  5. Just to illustrate how important this situation is to some people. I know of a chasuva couple in their 60’s who are making aliya and were given free tickets and a cargo lift on El Al by the gov’t as part of their Aliya package. They can’t switch to another airline since the gov’t will only pay for El Al and because of the current situation have booked tickets on Continental instead. The tickets plus the lift are now costing them 6-7 thousand dollars. They are not wealthy people and it’s a real Kiddush Hashem to see them do this. Obviously to them it means a lot if the Gedolim would strike a deal with El Al and allow them to use their free tickets. To people like this any information available is helpful.

    So please keep posting the latest updates.

  6. I appreciate the effort YW makes in uopdating us on the situationa andI respect the Gedolim’s decisions. But lets not forget that we are all ‘bosor vidom’ and NOT mamalchim. Iimagine how frsustrating this is for passengers who already booked tickets and dont have the money to make changes, or for
    cases where people have to bring a Niftar urgently and already made plans. Lets give human nature a fair shake here!

  7. Sarah.
    I agree that we should beGREATFUL (watch your spelling) for what we DO like
    But why ‘remain silent about what we DONT’??? This is awonderful site which allows opinions and crticism and if somone has something negative to say , they dont mean it as an effort to bash YW but as asuggestion to improve things. The best of the best can always learn! lets ‘lighten up’ a bit!

  8. I once heard “if you like every article in a newspaper than they’re not doing a good job”. Everyone has their likes and dislikes and a newspaper, site etc has to cater to everyone (not just you).

  9. EL AL HAS SIGNED!!!! Being a Yerushali yid I have the benefit of getting the news a few hours before America. I recieved a call a few minutes ago saying that a deal has been reached. I double checked it with my travel agent before purchasing an El Al flight.

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