Bones found at WTC site

Today’s NY Post is reporting that nine more human bones were found yesterday in the city’s ongoing search for remains of Sept. 11 victims missed in the initial cleanup after the attacks. Five bones were found in debris from the World Trade Center site at a Brooklyn facility. Workers found four more while digging up a service road on the western edge of the site, the Medical Examiner’s Office said.

7 Responses

  1. So you are saying that halachah does not apply to a jew unless he\she is frum,
    ALSO, According to YOU what does it mean to be frum?

  2. I think Borat wants to say that Non Frums dont really care as much about ‘agunah issues’ as the Frum do….
    ‘WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE FRUM?’ I guess that would be someone who is a’shomer Torah umitzvos’. Someone who takes upon himself responsibilites even if they are a burden BECAUSE G-d commanded us to do so….

  3. Borat:
    I think i remember that all the agunas got heterim in the first week. Ther was a big meeting of the poskei hador which examined all cases.

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