Israel: Majority of Israelis don’t like Olmert

olmert.jpgA poll conducted by the Dahaf Institute reveals that 77 percent of Israelis think that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is not doing a good job, where only 23 percent say he is doing a good job. Only 1 percent of Israelis think he is doing his job very well.

Olmert is also perceived as a dishonest man in the eyes of the public: 60 percent assess Olmert’s honesty as “not good,” compared with 30 percent who say it is “good.” Olmert’s leadership abilities are also not considered well by the public: 69 percent of the polled said that Olmert’s leadership abilities were “not good,” whereas 31 percent considered it a “good.”

Olmert’s ability to cope with pressure is also questioned, with 62 percent of the public who think that his ability to withstand pressure is “not good,” compared with 37 percent who think Olmert is functioning well under pressure.

When asked about Olmert’s decision-making abilities, 74 percent of the people polled gave him a score of “not good,” compared with 26 percent who gave him a score of “good.”

The people surveyed were also asked about the chief reason why Olmert is operating in such a way. About half of the people said that the chief reason was the events which happened during the past year, whereas 31 percent thought it was because of his personality, and 15 percent said it was the makeup of the government.


4 Responses

  1. it may be like Bush’s numbers, but the USA isn’t surrounded on 3 sides by enemies who try each day to kill Americans with rockets and bombs. Olmert is a total disaster, Hashem yerachem!

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