Upcoming Yartzeit of Reb Amram Ben Diwan Continues Rich History of Yeshuos

There are many fascinating stories of the yeshuos of those who were zoche to daven at the kever of the great tzadik and mekubal Reb Amram Ben Diwan in Morocco.
His kever has become a place of pilgrimage for all Moroccan Jews. Each year on Lag BaOmer, thousands of Jews come to Wazan to make the pilgrimage to the tzion of the tzadik. Numerous miracles are said to have occurred there: Incurable illnesses have been healed, the blind have regained their sight,, the mute have found their voice, the paralyzed have returned home on their own, and infertile women have had children after having prayed there.

They tell that a French military sergeant had a son who remained paralyzed after a serious illness. This sergeant had a Jewish friend that advised him to take his son to the tomb of Rabbi Amram Ben Diwan in Wazan. At first, the sergeant was skeptical and refused, but then later promised that if a miracle were to happen and his son would be healed, he would build a road with his own money in order to facilitate access to the tomb of the Tzaddik. The miracle occurred: As soon as his son approached the kever of Rabbi Amram, he was healed. The happy father kept his promise and constructed a road that leads to the tomb of Rabbi Amram.

Yet another story comes from a couple in Monsey, NY who were not zoche to have a child for 15 years. They were told to go and daven by the kever of Reb Amram. After finishing the entire tehillim at the kever, the husband heard the sound of a baby crying. Nobody else in the vicinity heard this wondrous sound. Nine months later this couple had a child.

One anonymous source tells the following stunning story:

“I was zoche to hear this story from the father and I actually held this miracle baby in my arms. After hearing this story, I called two friends who were having a challenging time with shidduchim. I told them we need to book tickets and go daven by this great tzadik’s tomb.

We booked and headed out to Morocco. En route we decided to spend Shabbos in Gibraltar. We ate our Shabbos meals by the president of the Community Mr. Solomon Levy. He told us about his nephew who was crippled from birth. The parents of the boy decided to go to the tzion of Reb Amram. After praying, .they went for a walk and left the boy in his wheelchair to continue praying by the Tzadik. The boy prayed a little then drifted off into a slumber. In his dream a man with a white beard appeared.

He said, “What are you doing in a cemetery? You are a Kohen. You must leave at once.” The boy replied, “I can’t walk. How can I leave?”
Reb Amram replied, “Just pick yourself up and walk out.” The boy awoke and, miraculously, he used his own two feet to wobble out of the kever. He continued with physical therapy and today is walking like a normal person.
After shabbos, we traveled from Gibraltar to Morocco. We prayed and recited the full tehillim by the Kever. We stayed a few days and toured Fez, then returned to the US. The following Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, I made a Lechaim and got engaged. The following two weeks, one after another, my two friends got engaged.

On a recent trip to Israel, after praying by Kever Rochel an Israeli looking man asked me for a ride into Jerusalem. As we were riding in the car, wanting to make light conversation, I asked his name. He said, “My name is Amram Biton.” Stunned, I asked if he was from Moroccan descent and if he ever had heard of Reb Amram Ben Diwan. He turned to me in awe and said, “ I am named after him. My mother was childless for many years and made the journey to his kever. She promised the Tzadik that if she had a baby, she would name him Amram. I am that baby.”

These stories are truly beyond the scope of our imagination. Reb Amram of Diwan’s yartzeit is coming up this Tu B’Av and people from all over the world are traveling to his kever to daven.

E & S tours is planning a special journey for those who would like to Daven by this great Tzadik on his Yartziet. The tour is being subsidized to ensure anyone who wants can join this historic journey. Don’t miss this opportunity to be poel yeshouas for yourself or your loved ones.

Click here for details.


One Response

  1. Wow! Beautiful article. Never heard of this great tzaddik. May we merit to live through the coming of Mashiach and merit to see these tzaddikim at Techiyas Hamesim.

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