Rav Dovid Cohen on El Al

There was talk in the comment section on one of the previous posts regarding a P’sak by Rav Dovid Cohen Shlita if people can fly with El Al. Yeshivaworld has consulted with one of R’ Dovids sons (this evening), and he has informed us that his father did not say that people can fly with El Al, and people have misinterpreted what he said. We should all take this as a lesson that rumors must be confirmed, and until then it’s considered just that – a rumor.

11 Responses

  1. The people who start these rumours have a serious achrayois……
    i don’t envy them if people flew on their cheshben…..

  2. i know for a fact that R’ Dovid Shlita told a woman a few weeks ago when the chilul shabbos was first reported that she should not fly elal and that she would be crazy to do so if R’ Chaim Kanievsky said its a sakana.

  3. i believe that Rav Dovid paskened, for many who called him, that they do not need to lose money, so if they would have a hefsed they should stay with elal.

    i dont know if this changed yesterday – but before then – this was his psak and it was checked by several ppl on this blog.

  4. YW EDITOR….This whole post is superflouis! Of course Reb Dovid did not say anything that would be against ALL the Gedoilay Hador!! And anyone that has a doubt…..is mevoze Reb Dovid!!

  5. noman is right once again i consulted with him last tuesday morning at about 10:00 and he said that my brother does not have to lose his ticket!!!
    i know u dont like to post my comments because i stick up for the gedolim but this was from his mouth to my ears clear cut!

  6. as a travel agent and having written about this very issue yesterday i can tell you that reb david called back a client of mine who he had previously told its ok to fly el-al due hefsed meruba and then called him back to retract his original psak

    so its true for certain individuals he had in fact paskened its ok but it wasnt a blanket heter for everyone to quote him on just on a case by case basis
    but i think today after the gedolim here in usa signed on to it
    i think he is advising against flying el-al

  7. I do not think it’s right to publicize the name of any Rav unless he was consulted before hand giving permission.
    If a Rav will now be scared to give a Psak, because somebody will blast his name as going against Gedolim or whatever, when we do not know the details is simply wrong. Even if it’s under YWN blog.

  8. DWKL1 wrote:
    “…. but i think today after the gedolim here in usa signed on to it …”

    chachomim hizaharu b’divraichem.

    where did u see that ” the gedolim here in usa signed on to it “.
    r u referring to the unsigned letter of the Agudah posted on this blog ?
    It is not a statement by the gedolim in the usa.
    read it carefully, please.

  9. We should all take this as a lesson that rumors must be confirmed, and until then it’s considered just that – a rumor.

    I’d just like to emphasize and amplify on this a bit; Any information you see on this, or any other blog should be considered ‘rumor’. Face it, we don’t even know who publishes the information on this site.

    Not trying to say anything perjorative about this site, or its author. Just spelling out the basic reality.

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