Agudah Statement to Rabbonim across the US

Agudath Israel - El Al Statement.jpg

This is what the letter says: The Gedolei Horabbonim in Eretz Yisroel have asked us to inform you that they feel that since the leadership of EL AL is currently looking at whether Orthodox Jews are taking the current situation seriously, flying El Al truly would be considered a Chillul Hashem and therefore there is no Heter of Hefsed Merubah. (Signed Rabbi Blum)

14 Responses

  1. Although I will be mekabel whatever the gedolim pasken, this one is tough to swallow. I bought totally non-refundable tickets before the whole tumul started, for travel in February to be by a parent’s kever for the yahrtzeit, and affordability is a factor so I may have to cancel my trip. I can’t say I understand things so clearly, but I do agree that it’s not my place to publicize these questions in a manner that shows even a trace of azus.

  2. Finally, something in writing !!! I had already made the decision to take the hit (close to $1,000) on cancelling my flight, but it was a bit troubling making that kind of decision without confirmation in writing of what Daas Torah has said. You’d be amazed at the various versions of the story I’ve heard. The same Rabbonim being quoted L’Issur and L’Heter. No offense to YW, but I wasn’t prepared to lose $1,000 based on info that I wasn’t able to verify and only read about on the internet (HaT’meah !). For the record, I contacted 2 very chashuva Poskim/Roshei Yeshiva and they were also unsure as to the details, as it was impossible to verify anything without actually contacting the Rabbonim of E”Y directly. Thanks YW for being on top of !!!

  3. Please note; A non-refundable ticket can still be used for one year after you cancel the flight minus the fees.

  4. OK.

    I have no plans to fly to EY and can’t say if I would or wouldn’t fly EL Al.

    But, I still find this entire issue odd, that this is teh first real, written, circulated comment on the issue from a Rav or an organization. And even this, still fails to mention the names of the Rabbonim that “asked” for the information to be passed along.

    Also, last time I saw a T’shuva or P’sak it explained how it was arrived at, to simplay say it’s “Chilul Hashem” and that there is “Heter of Hefsed Merubah” is a a bit disingenuis.

  5. Fixing a couple of typos….


    I have no plans to fly to EY and can’t say if I would or wouldn’t fly EL Al.

    But, I still find this entire issue odd, that this is the first real, written, circulated comment on the issue from a Rav or an organization. And even this, still fails to mention the names of the Rabbonim that “asked” for the information to be passed along.

    Also, last time I saw a T’shuva or P’sak it explained how it was arrived at, to simplay say it’s “Chilul Hashem” and that there is “No Heter of Hefsed Merubah” is a a bit disingenuous.

  6. Is this issue a “halacha” question, or a political question? If it is “halacha”, it should, I believe, be based on “halacha”, for which we have four chalokim of shulchan aruch.
    If it is not a “halacha” issue, rather a “politacal” issue, I think, it should be addressed as such. Meaning, someone of a high caliber, who is known to think things through logicly in a torah way, who can take it upon himself that this issue should be adhered to by all, regardless of their finances and other pressing circumstances. Untill that happens (I don’t think it did), why should you lose your moey, or opportunity to be by a family simcha or yahrtzeit etc. Is there such a concept as “lehachmir” maybe there is a “chashash” takana, when it was never declared?
    Yes, it seems right to boycot EL AL, but maybe lets be sensible at the same time?

  7. Chaim Yankel
    Your comment is a bit dangerous. Generally T’shuvos are written to scholarly people and perused by scholarly people. Mass circulation of the reasons for a p’sak, as you claim, to be directly linked to a p’sak is cause for mass Am Haaratzus to come to the fore each stating his own divergent opinion based on his Daf Yomi or day school education

  8. Chaim Yankel – It is on the Agudah’s stationary signed by Rabbi Blum. That means the Moetzes and Nesius told him to write it and they are the Rabbonim that “asked” for it to be written.

  9. justanobody and Chaim Yankel,
    It’s very disappointing to hear your words. Our Gedolim are the Einei Ha’eida, and it is our job to follow them blindly – even if they say our yemin is our semol. When Moshe led klal Yisrael out of Mitzrayim, and then turned them back towards Mitzrayim and the Yam Suf, Chazal state that nobody complained. They all said “Ein lanu ela divrei Ben Amram”. Do you hear that? Not only did they all follow Moshe’s directive, but they didn’t complain about it or question it. If you are going to follow the Gedolim anyway, why ruin your Kiddush Hashem by questioning it?
    Our Gedolim see far beyond what is before our eyes, and it is the “5th Chelek” of Shulchan Aruch which gives them the power to make these decisions.

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