Daughter of R’ Yackov Meir Schecter Niftar

schecter.jpgcandle.gifThe Levaya for the daughter of Hatzadik Rav Yackov Meir Schecter Shlita is taking place right now in Yerushalayim. The Kevurah will be on Har Hamenuchos.

5 Responses

  1. Baruch dayen Haemmes…He’s a great man who has suffered alot of pain…may hashem give him strength to continue in his amazing ways..

  2. Baruch dayen Haemmes…..A great man who suffered alot and unfortunately had to see his daughter peturah. May Hashem give him a berachoh for accepting all his hardships without a complaint and may we see no more hardships and see Mashioach bmehara vayamanu. Please provide more information maybe a story about his daughter ahav hasholom and also her name so we could have her in mind when we daven and pray, and if possible a phone number to the shiva house. Also why was she niftar?

  3. Chaya Odel ah”s (the Chaya was added when she became ill with cancer) was a truly amazing woman. She became ill with polio as a baby and grew up in an institution for children with disabilities. During the last few years of her life she suffered terribly from horrible machalot. She never lost her simchas hachayim nor her emuna. Never have I seen someone so beloved by so many. She never married but shared an apartment with another woman who she had grown up with, their house was always filled with friends, young woman and neighbors.

    Although she was undergoing treatments, and was quite ill, she had been feeling better and was at home. She developed pneumonia and was niftar in the hospital from that.

    A truly special neshama who suffered throughout her entire life was taken from us.

  4. To Michnick: If the Chaya was added after she got sick and then she was niftar her name is no longer Chaya. Thanx for the info.

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