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Yerushalayim: R’ Mattisyahu Solomon speaking

Rav Mattisyahu Solomon Shlita Mashgiach spoke last night in the Tamir Hall to a few thousand men. Tonight Sunday night he will I”H be speaking at the Chasadi Hall on Rechov Yermiyahu to the woman of Yerushalayim.

6 Responses

  1. Speakers at Tamir Hall, in order were

    תהילים: ר’ ברוך שפירא
    ר’ אשר זליג רובינשטיין. – מנחה ופותח
    ר’ אביעזר שפירא – ראש ישיבת תפרח
    רבי אהרון לייב שטינמן
    רבי נתן צבי פינקל
    רבי מתתיהו סלומון

  2. Is there a way to hear the recording in Eretz Yisroel? I don’t see a Kol HaLashon number here. Ideal would be to download an MP3.



  3. Yes. The local Israeli Kol Haloshon number is (03) 617-1111. The menu choices above are slightly different. I think 18 instead of 22 for Ben Hazemanim. Also, 1 for Hebrew.

    CDs of the speeach can be obtained by calling (02) 581-6622 and leaving a message.

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