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The butcher is dead!!












With great joy I write about today’s hanging of the Butcher of Baghdad, Mr. Saddam Hussein today. We must not forget that this Rasha terrorized the entire Eretz Yisroel during the first Gulf War by firing scuds missiles at her. Men, women, and children were forced into sealed rooms wearing gas masks every time he felt the need to “press the button”. I once heard an Adom Gadol say, that he was such a Rasha that he surrendered in the Gulf War on Purim day itself not to give the Yidden of Eretz Yisroel the opportunity to make another Purim. May he rot in Gehenoim. Click HERE to view graphic footage of the actual hanging. Viewer discretion is advised!

43 Responses

  1. Is this the only thing you can find on him???? He openly supported any terrorist activity against Jews. He supported terrorists financially and he paid the families of dead terrorists. The message to all terrorists you will all die soon!!!!!

  2. Ube’avod reshoim rina! Saddam is now reunited with friends such as Arafat and the 9-11 terrorists, tiff, tiff in der erd.

    May he soon be joined by Amalekinejad, Rantisi, Nasr”allah” and for that matter, David Duke and Jimmy Carter.

  3. According the Zohar Nevuchadnezer will come back right before Moshiach to receive his final punishment. Sadam as probably his “gilgul”. What hashgacha pratis that Nevuchadnezer gets his final punishment the day before he started his siege against Yerushalayim, which eventually lead, 3 years latter to the destruction of the First Beis Hamikdash! After 2600 years the circle is closed.

  4. With great joy? What about “benefilas oyveycham al tismach”? If we weren’t supposed to rejoice over the demise of metzriyim I think we shouldn’t be so gleeful now either.

  5. “benefol oivecha al tismach…”??????????????Are you kidding me?????Come on there-Do you rejoice that hamman died??what happened to benfol oivecha…??????How rediculous can you get.

    What happened to Bnfol Oyvecha Al Tismach?

    It also says “Biovod Rishoim Rina”

    The way i understand it:

    If you have an enemy not a “Rusha” then do not be happy with his downfall, however if a “Rusha” gets his deserved punishment you may and should dance to the sky.

  7. to all you ameratzim out there: benfol oivecha al tismach is only by a yid. I will bring a mekor from meseches megila tomorrow.

  8. TO: Mr / Harav/ Hagoen shita mekubetzes

    first of all i am deaply insulted with your comment calling me an amheuratz.

    secondly i am wating eagerly for a mekor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. After all the “boich torah” “ana masnisa yodana” the gemara (Megila 16a) says that binfol only applies to jews, but that is the only reason stated as to why it didn’t apply to Haman. Not because he was a rasha gamur.

  10. to fair person the gemoro itself asks the quiestion.and the answer is that the aibeshter himself is not sos but achairim meisis to baki since your such a baki y didnt you mention the gemoro in sanhedrin? over there its talking about goyim too

  11. to baki again you might want to see gemoro avodo zoroh 3b
    vall briyoisov aino mesachek im sure you know that already just refreshing your memory

  12. the gemora in fact asks a stira between te pasuk of bavod reshaim rena and the pasuk of binfol oivecha al tismach.the gemora answers that humans are allowed to be happy but hashem is not

  13. I fail to see the gadlus of this pashtus your gemara in sanhedrin is why its not nogaya. besides see the Maharsh”a for pashut pshat there

  14. isser Says:

    December 30th, 2006 at 8:58 pm
    According the Zohar Nevuchadnezer will come back right before Moshiach to receive his final punishment.

    Does anyone know the exact source?

  15. Woah my head is splitting into two with all the lomdus on this page…………..
    lets all please keep the conversation simple……..

    To: Feivy L. – i wouldve done the same!!!!!

  16. It seems that Rabbi y is correct, ayin brochos 9b that dovid hamelech didnt say halelukoh untill rooh bmapoloson shel reshoim masheinken hashem.However its shver the bais yoisef in o’ch siman 490 brings from the shibolei haleket that the reason we dont say gants halel the last days of pesach is because masei yodei toivem beyam veatem(klal yisroel) oimrim shira?(the mitzriyim goim).look in the maharsho in brochos there.maybe someone can enlighten us

  17. Gut gefrekt! although I don’t have a Sanhedrin with me at this time, if I recall correctly that is the source of the gemara that hu aino sos to which it answers aval acheirim mesis

  18. Whatever the p’shat, we still say halb Halel, right? So we are saying Halel even though Mitzriyim died. Hashem so much liked the Shirah we said as Mitzriyim died, that we now say it every day. Yet at the same time, Hashem told the Malachim to stop saying shirah. But ours, as Yidden, was merutzah lifnai Hashem. When we rejoice and thank Hashem for killing our enemies, it is a good thing. I cannot understand this liberal thinking that considers our enemies to be honorable. Shaul Hamelech made that same mistake, and paid for it.

  19. See Mishnas R’ Ahron Chelek Gimel page Gimel etc. (first shmuz on pesach) where he explains the chilluk between people and malachim. we say shira and malachim don’t because we grow from it and become closer to Hashem, mah sheain ken the malachim the whole purpose of their shira is to be meshabeich Hashem and He doesn’t want it when maasey yadav tovein biyam.

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