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Mother of R’ Avrohom Chaim Feuer A”H

candle5.gifThe Levaya of the mother of Rav Avrohom Chaim Feuer Shlita Rov of Kehillas Bais Avrohom (Monsey) took place this Friday morning in Monsey NY- He is the son-in-law of Hagoen R’ Mordechai Gifter ZATZAL R”Y Telz.

3 Responses

  1. Please do note post this comment: I realize that Mrs. Fueur had a lot of nachas because she is the mother of Rabbi Fueur, but I think its important to say WHAT HER NAME WAS and not just the fact that she is a machatainister to Rav Gifter tzl. You are doing a great job of reporting the news in the world. Be matzliach.

  2. Actually, the Daf Yomi just had a story (Rosh Hashana 25A) where Rabban Gamliel delivered a massive hesped on “the mother of Ben Zoza”. The Gemora comments that she wasn’t a person who deserved such an honor, but Rabban Gamliel was trying to prove that that day was not Rosh Hashana, based on an argument when the new moon was seen – and therefore one was allowed to deliver a hesped on Erev Yom Tov.

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