Gilad Shalit is alive

shalit.jpgThe visiting Egyptian foreign minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said on Wednesday that Egypt is working to secure the release of Gilad Shalit, who was captured last June by Gaza militants who tunneled into Israel and fled back to Gaza. Shalit has not been seen or heard from since then, though Israeli officials have said they believe he is alive.

4 Responses

  1. doesn’t the title seem to be a bit untrue-“Shalit has not been seen or heard from since then, though Israeli officials have said they believe he is alive”. So who said that he’s forsure alive?

  2. right on, zionflag! I grieve for this poor young man almost every day since he was kidnapped. An international crime has been committed and we’re trading favors! I hope everyone is davening for our poor shivuyim.

    Are any international “ethics” organizations checking up on them? Any foreign diplomats? Can’t ANYONE save Gilad without forcing us to set free a load of Palestinian thugs hell-bent on murdering more Jews?!!!

  3. I don’t understand Israel. Didn’t they invade Labanon in the summer because there soilders were captured??? Can someone please explain to me what Israel got out of the war?

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