Eretz Yisroel: Snow!


There is a heavy snow falling in Yerushalayim at this time. The area of Mirrer Yeshiva has no accumulation, but the the snow is heavy. (UPDATE As of 6:20PM the snow has restarted in the Meah Shearim area.) Thanks to all the people who are emailing YW pictures of the snow. They can be viewed in the YW Photo Album.

12 Responses

  1. my son called me about 2 hours ago.
    the snow is very heavy with alot of slush in the Beis Yisroel/ Mir area.
    The only people that you see walking in the streets are the americans.

  2. Who cares what the temp is like in N.Y.?

    I was in Israel 15 years ago when it snowed so hard that the snow actually weighed down, and ultimatly smashed, tree branches into cars and did some major car damage.

  3. Susshow-“Who cares what the temp is like in N.Y.?” Who cares what happened 15 years ago in israel with the trees?????He’s trying to bring out a point for petes sake..

  4. I lived in Yerushalayim for a number of years…
    Its amazing what happens there when they predict snow. The way the Israelis stock up in the makolet (grocery), you would think people are preparing to go into bomb shelters for a week.
    And then when it actually snows…what a sight! In the winter of ’00 there was a ‘major’ snowstorm – not more than a couple of inches, but a storm nonetheless. It snowed Thursday night, on Friday morning my wife and I walked to the Kosel to see it all in white. It was beautiful…But by Shabbos morning not a speck of white to be seen anywhere…

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