Gerald Ford dead

ford.jpgFormer US President Gerald Ford is dead at age 93. Gerald Ford served as US president for three years following the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974.

24 Responses

  1. Gerald Ford, the only unelected U.S. president and the former chief executive who lived the longest, has died at his home in California, his wife announced Wednesday. He was 93.

    Betty Ford issued a statement saying the man who succeeded Richard Nixon after the disgraced president resigned over Watergate passed away peacefully Tuesday evening at his home in Rancho Mirage.

    The precise cause of death was not given, though Ford had suffered heart problems.

    At Nixon’s request, Congressman Gerald Ford took over the vice presidency in 1973 after Spiro Agnew resigned amid a tax-evasion scandal. He became president when the besieged Nixon stepped down the following year.

    Ford served as the nation’s chief executive for two and a half years, and lost the 1976 presidential election to Jimmy Carter by a narrow margin.

    Some analysts believed his pardon of Nixon contributed to the failure of his presidential bid in his own right.

    Ford was known as straightforward, honest and affable.

    “My family joins me in sharing the difficult news that Gerald Ford, our beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather has passed away at 93 years of age. His life was filled with love of God, his family and his country,” said the statement issued by Betty Ford.

    President George W. Bush said early Wednesday that he and First Lady Laura Bush were “greatly saddened” to learn of Ford’s death.

    “President Ford was a great American who gave many years of dedicated service to our country,” Bush said. EFE

  2. Trefene baal habos-“President Ford Dead at 93” from CBS news headlines-whta should you write “The honorable president Ford has left this materialistic world,headed for heaven to find his final resting place among the other fine souls…”common-its a headline-And one more thing-lets not overdo the Medina shel chesed thing…Look around you.

  3. Abi Meleibt,
    What do you mean ‘overdoing’ the Medinah shel chesed thing……look around you’
    Is America really not a compassionate Country with a government who loved and respected the dignity of our people for generations????

  4. Abi Melebt. There is a vast difference between saying dead, and dead at 93. (It would have been fine to say “died” as well). Obviously YW agrees with me in my correction as he posted my comment.
    If you dont think that this is a Medina Shel Chesed i could give you the flight times to Iran. Come back (I hope so) and let me know if you still feel that way about the US of A. GO RED, WHITE & BLUE!

  5. trefene baal habos-You’re obviously naive and oblivious to whats going on in the US of A of yours.Besides, if your only other option is Iran-you’re really far off-get real.

  6. I dont think that ‘trefene’ was refering to individuals but like me, to the Government policies with regard to Jews. Ofcourse you have anti semites all over the world but as long as the regime is sympathetic , its already a relief!
    Yes, he doesnt have to go as far as Iran, here in Euorpe there is much more hatred even by authorities and politicians!

  7. Trefene baal habos-Btw,by YW posting comments, does not mean he actually agrees with them…A blog is made up of many individuals voicing their own opinions..In fact there are comments which people make here which directly oppose what the YW writes and says-and he posts them anyway.

  8. Nameless-opinionative and not appropiate are 2 different things.I have had things which the YW did not post either which i respect him for.

  9. Abi, If you think ‘shmutzing’ on individual members of the NK who attendedconference in Iran is inappropriate, well then our opinions differ…lol

  10. Nameless, there are many ways to express our opinions. Your comments may not have been selected for publication because of how you wrote them, not because because your theme was rejected.

    It is apparent that YW does not have sympathy for the NK. They also have the liberty of choosing which posts meet their criteria for publication.

  11. NO….Sarah I am sorry! The comment was written in avery dignified way. The content was demaning to that particular individual. YW thought it was not applicable to the situation.

  12. Nameless,

    Although I sympathize with your feelings- no one appreciates having their posts rejected for publication, we are nevertheless fortunate that this forum is truly moderated.

    This forum interests me ONLY because it screens comments, and is not just another place for the public consumption of every thought and expression. I am sure that I too sometimes comment inappropriately. I appreciate YW for rising above the common conduct on the wide open net.

  13. Sarah,
    LOL…..dont overdo it please! I appreciate your sympathybut not having my comment posted will not give me sleepless nights. The point was that I found it rather disingenious for yW to omit that particular remark when there was so many other NK bashing on this site. Lets leave it at that please!

  14. Even Moshe Aryeh Friedman is a better humanoid than Jimmy Carter. Gerald Ford was not in office long enough to have any real impact; who knows how he would have turned out (but certainly he would not have sunk to the depths of Carter).

  15. Ford was the only president who was elected by hashem he became president because Nixon resignation and even when we elected Nixon as president we didn’t elect Ford as his vice president he only became vice president be the resignation of Spiro Agnew

  16. To: yoel7281
    All presidents are elected by H-shem. Lev Milochim V’soreha b’yad H-shem.

    To: Itzik_s:
    “Even Moshe Aryeh Friedman is a better humanoid than Jimmy Carter.”
    After watching that demonstration on Shabbos Bereshis in Berlin, you still think so?

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