A deal with El Al?

At this time a letter was faxed to the Gedolei E”Y for their approval of the agreement between the Chaireidi Olam and El Al Airlines. It seems that El Al has agreed to the demands of the Gedolim not to fly on Shabbos. As soon as this agreement is signed it will be posted on Yeshivaworld.

14 Responses

  1. ok ok. i am eagerly and breathlessly awaiting for the final word. please do not delay. this is of the utmost importance. i can no longer function without this information.

    my fingers are waiting on the elal website to buy a ticket. please do not keep me in suspense any longer. and my other ticket is for this evening. please be sure to post ALL the relevant details immediately, as soon as they become available.

    the suspense is making be mad.

  2. I’d like to second what Joseph posted above. I am likewise anxious to buy a ticket, in my case to join a tour to Eretz Yisrael late next month. The tour will be flying El Al and having to find my own tickets on a different carrier would be both costly and inconvenient. Thank you for posting such timely, useful information, on behalf of myself and the numerous anonymous fans of your website. Yasher Koach and continued Hatzlacha!

  3. Its such a kiddush hashem to see how everyone is listening to the boycott. Joseph and Lou you should be proud of yourselves!! Its because of people like you that EL AL is going to sign that they wont fly on Shabbos. ASHRECHA…

  4. Boruch Hashem that we were able to use our Koach and to effect change.
    Now let us use the same Koach and have them lower the fares.
    Why should everyone have to pay $1400 to go to Eretz Yisroel for Pesach and Succos?

  5. as a travel agent we are anxiously awaiting word. It is heartening to see how so many people are listening to the Gedolim and not buying from El Al.
    Bear in mind that in many cases the alternative is staying home

  6. Yasher Koach to YeshivaWorld for keeping us up on da latest news, the news that hasn’t happened yet and the news that has. I want desperatly to go to Israel and can’t wait for the deal to be signed.What is taking so long?

  7. To sgoldsmi Says:
    We are not bullies = we should not bully a company to charge what we want them to charge. Bear in mind that they have many flights during the year that are not full and perhaps it may not even cover their costs, but just like any other airline through out the globe they charge more in a busy season so that they could cover for the slow season.

  8. To “sgoldsmi” even though I understand your outrage at the high fare, it should not in any way be compared to the more important issue here. Imagine what fools all the Rabonim will look like if they post a boycott due to high fares (so they are not concerned just about Shabbos?). Fares should be left to the free market to do its work and hopefully eventual stronger competition.

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