An avid YW reader writes Sean Hannity

Dear Sean,

I am a huge fan of yours and an avid listener to your radio program and though I do not have a television to watch your show I am aware of the networks reputation for being fair and balanced.

In your absence, your TV show had a member of the terror support group Netueri Karta.

I question if you would have allowed a card carrying member of al-Queda to express his view on your show as well? I question how you differentiate your show from al-jazeera?

But mostly I question why would you give those who already hate the Jews, a chance to ferment another negative opinion of us, the Orthodox Jews?

Realize that the Orthodox community voted over 90% for our great President. Realize also that it is our Orthodox community which is more aligned with the Conservative Republican agenda of values than almost any other group.

Giving airtime to this hateful terrorist supporting group produces
nothing but ill feelings towards the Orthodox community which they do not represent AT ALL!
Every Orthodox group including Satmar has condemned the action of these fringe loons.

I hope you will at least encourage true representatives of our
community to come on the air and rebut those distortions.

Sincerely and respectfully yours.

6 Responses

  1. Well put. This posting spurred me to submit the letter I e-mailed the show:

    Dear Sean and Alan,

    Before I get to why I’m writing you, I want to make two things clear: 1- I did not watch this segment, I only read a write-up about it, and 2- I am aware that you, Sean, were not present during this interview. However, I must admit to feeling rather upset that you had a member of the now infamous Neturei Karta on your show.

    I am appalled that an individual who masquerades as an Hassidic Orthodox Jew was featured on your show. Being an Orthodox Jew, and a proud member of the religious type of Orthodox Jew called Hassidim (or Chassidim, as we would say), I get sick to my stomach that this maniac was given air time to publicize his nonsensical views. I feel especially ill about this because most of the world is too ignorant to understand that this small group of Jews do not IN ANY WAY represent Hassidic Orthodox Jews at all! They are ostracized in their communities, thrown out of our synagogues, schools, shops, institutions, you name it. They are not welcome ANYWHERE among us. They are being financed by Islamic terrorist factions in the Middle East. They are NOT a part of what religious Judaism is about and I’m frankly so upset that the world got to see and hear what most now think is a fair representation of Orthodox Jews everywhere.

    Considerably Perplexed and Upset.

  2. Impressive letter, however I still think that comparing an interview with a NK memeber to al-Queda is abit far fetched and sort of adds heat to the fire! But in any case, can someone please tell me where I can search to find a clip of that interview?

  3. nameless,
    YOUR comment adds heat to the fire, that the NK lit. We have to protest every inch!!!, Nothing is far fetched about a comparison between NK and Al-Queda.

  4. or to make it short:
    1. I don’t like N.K. so I’ll call them terrorists (even though I don’t have examples of terror, just of them being meshuga–but it doesn’t sound right if I tell you that you cannot have a meshugana on your show.) There being on your show eats my heart out.
    2. We supported who you like (Bush), don’t do what we don’t like (N.K.)
    3. Obviously by writing this letter to you (Hannity), I am showing I like you and think you are special and mean something (unlike all the media outlets who extensively reported this story–NYT, AP, Reuters, BBC, etc.)

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