Eretz Yisroel: Railways are Michallel Shabbos

Knesset Member Shmuel Halpert (-UTJ) has charged Israel Railways with being Mechallel Shabbos. He appealed to the Transportation and Industry and Trade ministries to put a stop to it.

MK Halpert said the railroad is violating the status quo agreement that freezes operations on Shabbos and is requiring hundreds of Yidden to transgress the secular law that bans employing Yidden on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim.


6 Responses

  1. Hmmmmm…….Seems like this whole El-Al issue has opened up a huge can of worms. Is anybody really surprised to learn that (gasp!) the railway is being M’challel Shabbos? Has anyone ever considered that Egged Bus,T’nuva Dairies, The electric company, the water company, Department of streets and sanitation,Keren Kayemet, Kupat Cholim, and virtually every social service in Israel that is not run by frum people is probably M’challel Shabbos in one fashion or another? It seems that frum people in Eretz Yisroel have a very important decision to make. Should they boycott everything? And who will cast the first stone?


    I believe that the well-know Maamar CHAZAL applies here: If we properly observe TWO SHABBASOS (Talmud Bavli/ ONE SHABBOS – Talmud Yerushalmi), we will have the Geulah immediately! If we can get all our national institutions to become Shomrei Shabbos, the Ribono Shel Olam will look favorably upon us and grant us Mashiach Tzidkeinu, BiMeheira VeYameinu Amen!

  3. To Slevy.
    Isn’t that what Shabbos is all about?
    Aren’t there people who lived in Americain the 1940’s and 1950’s who willingly lost their jobs in order not to work on Shabbos?
    Shabbos first, and the rest up to H.

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