Tehillim request

latehillim2.jpglatehillim1.jpgThe L.A. community’s beloved Moshe Rubin – Alter Moshe Yitzchok Ben Raizel Masha – desperately needs our Teffilos. Anyone that has visited Los Angeles knows and loves Moshe.


11 Responses

  1. I want to wish Moshe a speedy recovery and to keep fighting. You always have a smile on your face. You are a source of naches to your family and to our shul and to the community. We are praying for you to be well.

    To the family you have been there for us and for our congregation may hashem continue to give you the strength to be there for your family and for our congregation and for our community in the future.

    We love you.

    Judy Schwartz

  2. Hey moishe,

    You are a truly special person with a big heart. We are all davening for you.

    Everytime you see me you always say hi to me and have a big smile on your face.

    Now I am sending you a big smile and a big hug. Keep fighting!!

    Sorry to be the Bearer of bad news
    Alter Moshe yitzchok was Niftar in the middle if the night.

    the LEVAYA will be held at The SHUL (Rabbi Rubin’s Shul) at 9:am.
    and will go from there to NY ariving at JFK tonight 9pm Delta Airlines.
    going to israel via El Al at around 11:30

    Moshe Yitzchok PLEASE be a Maylitz Yosher for ALL of us!!!

  4. Is this a son of Boruch cHAIM Rubin?
    They are truly wonderful people. May Hashem help them through this and give them lots of comfort in this difficult time.

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