Yerushalayim: Number 1 bus gets stoned

Earlier tonight, the Number one bus was hit with stones in the old city of Yerushalayim. Border Police responded to the scene and evacuated two people who were suffering from shock, as well as several others who had been wounded by broken glass.

7 Responses

  1. Since when does the 1 bus travel through the Old City? As I remember, it goes out the Dung Gate, and then around past the Damascus Gate, and from there to Meah Shearim. Perhaps this happened near the Damascus Gate.

  2. fester- I would hardly call some stone throwing by a few arab chldren a break from the ceasefire….these are youth that probably don’t know the ceasefire exists…if a few yerushalmi children threw stones at a arab construction worker would that to be a break from the ceasefire?

  3. fester- I would hardly call some stone throwing by a few arab chldren a break from the ceasefire….these are youth that probably don’t know the ceasefire exists…if a few yerushalmi children threw stones at a arab construction worker would that to be a break from the ceasefire?

    Not to mention that the ceasefire agreement was with the Palestinians, not Arabs in general.

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