She Has Suffered Enough-Help An Orphaned Kallah Walk to Her Chuppah With Joy

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Dear Friend,

The wails of an unfortunate orphan have reached us, her cries tear at our hearts; to be silent is impossible. We must help her right now and set her on her feet in order that she be able to establish a bayis neeman b’Yisroel.

This girl has suffered so much in recent years. She has gone through tremendous difficulties, grief, and suffering ever since her mother was so suddenly taken from her. Thanks be to Hashem, she just became engaged to a chashuve bachur, a talmid chacham. They are looking forward to building their own beautiful home.

But this kallah, instead of enjoying the period of her engagement, is besides herself with worry. The financial situation is so dire, she feels she is drowning! Her house is bare, even necessities are lacking – bread to eat and clothes to wear, never mind money to cover the expenses of making a wedding and paying for the essentials of a new home – furniture, linens, household goods – there is no money to pay for anything.

With hot tears coursing down her cheeks, the kallah has come to us crying, “I have suffered so much. Now, before I begin my married life, please help me to go to my Chupah in good spirits. The endless poverty is a crushing burden. Please extend a hand to me, I beg you, to allow me to begin this brand new stage of my life with a heart full of joy and a mind at ease.”

We have no doubt, you will stretch yourselves and give this poor girl even more than you are able. In the merit of supporting an orphan, and in the merit of hachnosas kallah, may you blessed with all the blessings written in the Torah – wealth and happiness, health and tranquility, and everything good, for you and your loved ones. Please DONATE HERE!

Rabbi Y.M. Kantor Rabbi A.M. Kotler Rabbi C.F. Schneebalg

Rov, Agudath Yisroel Monsey Rosh Hayeshiva, Beth Medrash Govoha Rav Khal Avreichim Monsey


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