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Eretz Yisroel: Three killed in tragic car accident

bochurkilled1.jpgEarlier today, (Tuesday) three Chabad Yeshiva Bochrim were R”L killed and two others are in critical condition, when the van they were traveling in overturned. The accident occurred near Eilat (Southern Eretz Yisroel). Please say Tehillim for three Bochrim still hospitalized:  אהרן בן מתילדה, אלכנסדר זוסמן בן חסיה, אברהם יהודה בן פייגא

10 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Emes. A parent’s worst nightmare. My heart goes out to their parents and other family members. May Hashem comfort them in coming days ahead.

  2. boruch dayan haemes

    it is a terrible shame
    please post the names of those hurt as i hear one is in critical condition and i am sure can use our teffilos

  3. The saddest part about it is that they were en route to bring Sufganiyot and Chanukah joy to IDF soldiers. In fact, the emergency help came from the very soldiers they were going to visit…

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