Happy Channukah!

Design credit: Shtender

9 Responses

  1. to you and your entire staff as well. You provide a wonderful forum that is choshuv and different then any other. Kudos to you. Maybe one day your true identity will be revealed so we can all thank you in person. When is the “Chanukas Habayis”?

  2. A Freilach Chanukah to you. Unlike 99.9% of your readership, I know who you are. My family and I thank you for bringing us news in a Torahdik fashion and we do not have to be afraid that we will be subjected to Neavel Peeh and Letzunus.

  3. Love your website. I visit it every day. It’s great to know what’s going on in the frum world on a daily basis. A freilichen chanukah! You are doing a great community service. Be matzliach!

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