Gedoley Rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel have signed the Kol Koreh on Wednesday morning calling for a boycott of El Al, but it is being kept in the safe of the The Committee for the Sanctity of Shabbos and will not be distributed yet in order to allow El Al to run back to the negotiating table. The Gedolim have unofficially given El Al have another day and a half to agree to sign the agreement. After that the Kol Koreh will be released throughout the world.
Maran R’ Elyashiv Shlita spoke with the Gerrer Rebbe Shlita extensively and agreed on the Kol Koreh’s Nuscah. It was then faxed around to various leading Gedolim for their signatures.
In addition, Chacham Ovadia Yosef Shlita also issued a last minute written warning, calling on El Al to accept and not fly on Shabbos again.
16 Responses
about time ! now they will have to give in . just by see next week they will be even kashering there kitchens! & puting on striamel’s just to get us back
I hope we all get to see this in black and white when it comes out so that we dont have to rely on heresay.
This is obviously the correct response. But as a practical matter, if El Al doesn’t agree, there are no good alternatives. The other Jewish airlines fly on Shabbos R’L, so it the Kol Koreh would need to mean that we must fly on a non-Jewish airline.
true joseh-however it wont be a slap in the face of shabbos.
Joseph-Theres nothing wrong with flying with a non jewish airline-in fact they’re probably more accomodating in many ways…..besides,they all have kosher meals today in case you’re concerned about that.If elal wants the 30% back,they’ll have to earn it.period.
This is also going to affect many travel agent’s incomes. I beleive the commissions from EL AL are much higher than BA, CO and the other carriers.
I can’t figure out why El Al would give up a lofty 30% of its income (through the Chareidim), while trying to gain only 14% (of Shabbos flights rch”l, which is 14% of the week).
I am concerned that our 30% isnt unified enough.
I heard from someone on a flight yesterday, that it was full of (cheap) hiemishe!
kohanim never got the truth about mesim from el al. they lied about mesim on plane & rout more then once.
to be honest, elal sometimes doesn’t know that there will be a meis untill the last minute. Sometimes they just bring them last minute
to be honest, sometimes elal doesn’t know there will be a meis untill the last minute. They are sometimes out on right before the plane departs
Big talkers, are you boycotting El Al or not. make up your mind.
sabra1-unless those people on board got a specific hetter from rabbonim to fly with elal,i wouldn’t call them heimishe-they are just as good as the other non observant jews who spit in the face of the rabbonim.
i will belive it when i see it
I find it very odd that everyone is all worked up over supporting ElAl, while they remained silent when erliche yidden are being kicked out of Gaza and “tyere yiddishe kinder” are being abused in local yeshivas. They support dozens of other businesses that are mechallel shabbos bepharhesia, why did this become a priority?
Yeshiva World, if you are so concerned why do you have an advertisement from a travel agent of ELAL fares to Israel on the side of your website.