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El Al update 12/13/06

It is being reported that the boycott of El Al is growing, and according to reports in the Charedi press it has reached beyond the boundaries of Eretz Yisroel. Today a conference of Frum travel agents is expected to take place, with the participation of Gedoley Rabbonim and the heads of the “Committee for the Sanctity of the Sabbath”, at which they will apparently declare a formal boycott of the company.

The Israeli newspapers Hamodia (Agudat Israel) and Yated Neeman (Degel Hatorah) today reported the cessation of talks between Frum representatives and El Al. They claim that the company refuses to sign a legally binding document promising to refrain from Shabbos flights.

Israeli Hamodia also reported on a wave of cancellations of El Al flights in Charedi strongholds in the US, UK, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil. It was also reported that the Chanukah vacation for Frum girls from Eretz Yisroel who study in England was moved up by a day so that the girls could fly British Airways, even though they had already purchased tickets on El Al.

One Response

  1. were is the kol korah ? were all waiting. The kol korah with a clear issur will do the job, remember not evryone follows the new &some don’t what to lose money(nebach) if they don see the word “osser” with 35 rabonims name on the paper.

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