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US State Dept condemns Iranian Hitler’s remarks

The State Department condemned remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that Israel will be wiped off the map, describing the latest remarks by the Iranian president as “Just absolutely outrageous.”

“You know, you get to a point where it’s hard to find the words to describe the statements that are emanating from the Iranian president, continuing about this commentary about his desire to wipe Israel off the face of the map,” spokesperson Saun McCormack said.


3 Responses

  1. Ahmadinijad (President of Iran) calls Bush
    and tells him: “President Bush, I called
    because I had a dream.”

    Bush: “What was the dream about?”

    Ahmadinijad: “I dreamt that the USA was
    rebuilt, and on the top of each house there
    was a flag.”

    Bush: “And what was written on the flag?”

    Ahmadinijad: “Allah is big, Allah i great.”

    Bush: You know what, Ahmadinijad, it’s
    good that you called because I had a dream
    too. In my dream Teheran was rebuilt and
    on the top of each building there was a flag

    Ahmadinijad: “What was written on the flag?”

    Bush: “I don’t know, I can’t read Hebrew!!!

  2. Where are the other countries regarding this? A mere few world leaders (including the Palestinians…because it suits them today) called these statements “unacceptable” and President Jacques Chirac of France said the following “bright” statement:”Ahmadinejad risked Iran “being left on the outside of other nations.” Why are they inside other nations NOW Chirac??
    Oy vey, history is repeating itself only after 65 years…it took a while for anyone to condemn Hitler! And when they did it was too late.

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