Israeli Minister of National Infrastructures Benjamin Ben-Eliezer has agreed to work to provide kosher electricity for Eretz Yisroel’s Frum communities.
Frum Yidden living in closed communities in Yerushalayim, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh, Elad and others, do not connect their homes to the Israel Electric Corp.’s national grid to protest that the company provides electricity during Shabbos.
Instead, , they use generators to power their homes on Shabbos. According to a statement from the Ministry of National Infrastructures, the incidence of electrocution on these private generators has become cause for concern.
In addition, the ministry said, the use of these generators is illegal.
To solve the problem, Ben-Eliezer met this week with Israel’s Minister of Religious Services, Yitzhak Cohen.
In order to solve the problem at its root, it was decided during the course of the meeting that the (state-owned) Israel Electric Corp. — and in the future, private power stations — will base electricity production on automated processes as much as possible, and will avoid or reduce their profaning of Shabbos, the Ministry of National Infrastructures statement said. For functions that can’t be automated, Ben-Eliezer and Cohen agreed that the utility would employ non-Jewish workers to perform the tasks — during Shabbos and for work during the week. This translates into the hiring of about 150 technicians and engineers, which is expected to cost about $10 million, according to the ministry.