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Mirrer Yeshiva dinner: Tonight!!!

MIrColor1.jpgThe 57th Anniversary Dinner of Mirrer Yeshiva will be held on Sunday, December 10th at the Brooklyn Marriott and will certainly be heralded as a historic occasion. The program will be riveting and inspiring. 

It will honor the memories of HaGaon HaRav Elya Jurkanski, ZATZAL, and HaGaon HaRav Nachman Nachamchik, ZATZAL, both of whom have been integral to the Yeshiva’s hatzlacha for many decades.

Both were distinguished “Alte Mirrers” who miraculously escaped the fires of Europe by escaping to Shang-hai with the rest of the Yeshiva.

Once they arrived in America, they became sterling pillars of the Yeshiva, each in his own way. The Yeshiva, its hanhalla and
talmidim, mourn their passing.

A tribute will be made at the Dinner to their everlasting contributions to the Yeshiva.

One of the most dramatic periods in the history of the Yeshiva was the era of the rescue of Moroccan students. With incredible vision and foresight, the Rov, HaRav Avrohom Kalmanowitz, ZATZAL, was aware of the tenuous political circumstances of Moroccan Jewry.

The Rov traveled to Morocco several times during the 1950’s and 60’s to develop Torah institutions and to recruit the best and the brightest young bochurim and bring them to Mirrer Yeshiva. Thus began a fascinating chapter in the history of the Yeshiva.

Now, some fifty years later, these young men have become distinguished Torah scholars, patriarchs of outstanding families and integral members of the communities in which they live. Each one has his own story to tell yet they are all united in feeling forever indebted to Mirrer Yeshiva for bringing them to America, nurturing them, and molding them and allowing to experience
lives of  Torah and kedusha.

Join Mirrer Yeshiva and seventeen illustrious Moroccan talmidim as together we celebrate their lives and their achievements. Hear their amazing stories. Read about their fascinating lives in a captivating biography which is being published in conjunction with the Dinner.

Be inspired by these distinguished talmidei chachomim, as you listen to the stories of their struggles and their triumphs over the years.

Come to the Mirrer Yeshiva 57th Anniversary Dinner and be inspired!!

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