Eretz Yisroel: Arabs paint swastikas in Talmud Torah

Arab marauders smashed up a Talmud Torah in the northern city of Acco over Shabbos, painting Arabic graffiti and swastikas on the walls, destroying furniture, and scattering Seforim.

The latest and gravest escalation in the struggle between Jews and Arabs in the mixed city of Acco, between Chaifa and the Lebanese border on the Mediterranean coast, occurred this past Friday night. Rabbi Avraham Shushan, a rabbi at the school at which the vandalism occurred, told Arutz-7’s Shimon Cohen that a Mispallel who arrived for Davening on Shabbos morning was the first to discover the destruction:

“He saw the lights on and the windows broken. He went in and the sight shocked him. All the walls had swastikas, and the Arabic words ‘Hamas’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’ [Allah is great]. The vandals went into the classrooms, dumped out the equipment, turned over the principals office, and threw Seforim in all directions. They took expensive equipment worth thousands of shekels. The worshiper went by foot to the police and called them to come, which they did… He told me about it on Saturday night, and I called Rabbi Yashar, the rabbi of Akko. He came and cried out, ‘What is this, Nazi Germany here?'”

Rabbi Shushan said that in his 30 years in the city, he had “never experienced an Arab pogrom like this one… I don’t know what’s going on here.”

Several days ago, a band of Arab youths attacked and cruelly beat a Jewish girl. Six months ago, local Arabs burned trees standing at the entrance to the Talmud Torah, and during the recent Simchas Torah, Arabs surrounded Bochrim from the local Hesder Yeshiva and threatened them, until one student was forced to fire his gun in the air to disperse them.

Knesset Members of the National Religious Party-National Union visited Acco a month ago, warning of the deterioration in the city. The police claimed at the time that the violence and clashes were of a criminal, not nationalistic nature.

“We have no illusions,” MK Uri Ariel said. “We know what the Arabs are trying to do. They have composed a new Declaration of Independence, and they want to change the [Israeli] flag and anthem. The Arab citizens understand the trend, and they go out and paint swastikas in Yeshivos.”


One Response

  1. This is very bad, and the police are afraid to react because they may be called racists and sued by some insane liberal organization. The Arabs are the real racists but they know how to intimidate the “infidel”. If the police don’t go back to strong enforcement and intimidation of the Arabs in Acco, it will only get worse.

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