Egged adds more Mehadrin lines

eggwdbus.jpgIncreasing Charedi buying power is forcing Egged to change its services. Egged, the largest bus company in Israel with 1 million passengers a day, operates 24 inter-city “mehadrin” lines on which men and women are segregated. Egged refers to them using the euphemism “designated (ye’udim)” lines.

Eleven lines have been added in the last six months. The latest began operating less than a week ago between Arad and Jerusalem. Egged added the lines in response to a consumer survey that found the vast majority of Charedi bus passengers, both men and women, preferred separation of the sexes.

One Response

  1. As a married man with many sons and 1 daughter I find it inconvenient to travel with the mehadrin buses, with my wife and daughter on a seperate bus or spot. How about not crowding buses and allowing men to sit in the front and family sitting in the back??????

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