Boston: Number of Jews rapidly growing

Despite a decline in the national Jewish population, both the city of Boston and Boston University draw some of the highest numbers of Jews in the nation, which local religious leaders attribute to the city and campus’s facilities.

According to a survey by Brandeis University’s Steinhardt Social Research Institute, the percent of the Boston population that is Jewish has risen to 7.2 percent, ranking the Hub among the Top 10 Jewish cities in America.

The survey — released last month – shows there are now 210,000 Jews in Boston, up 33,000 since 1995. At the same time, the number of non-Jewish members of Jewish households has almost doubled to 55,000.

2 Responses

  1. Perhaps you should be wary of the stated facts.In a local Jewish paper,when the Boston sources were quoted with “pride”the secret of their success was stated.Many of their increased numbers come from the children of intermarried couples,many where the mother is the non-Jewish spouse!

  2. Echoing “midwestcomment”, just do the math:

    pop. increase of 33,000 “jews” of whom 50% of 55,000 are gentiles.
    That works out to a increase of at the most 5,500, and possibly a decrease?!

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