Montreal: Levaya of R’ Avrohom Niznik

At this time the Levaya of Hagon R’ Avrohom Niznik ZATZAL Chief Rabbi of Montreal is taking place in the Young Israel at 6235 Hillside.

4 Responses

  1. The Levaya was scheduled for Sunday, Parshas Vayeitzei, at 11:00am, presumably so that our community could better honor our Rav. It ended about an hour ago (1:30). Young Israel was overflowing with people who came to be mechabed our Rav.

    The speakers were:
    1) Aaron Drazin, Talmid
    2) R’ Hershel Schechter, Talmid
    3) R’ Yonasan Binyamin Weiss, S’gan Av Beis Din
    4) R’ Hershel Kaufman, Mora D’Asra of Young Israel
    5) R’ Saba, Chief Rabbi of Quebec
    6) R’ Jacobson, of Rabbincal Council of Canada
    7) R’ Neuman (Puppa Ruv of Montreal)
    8) R’ Elias, Rosh HaKollel of Kollel Keser Torah
    9) R’ Banon, of Yeshivas Yavne
    10) R’ Moshe Reich, son of the Rebbetzin

    Some [paraphrased] quotes from the speakers:
    “He was niftar erev Shabbos parshas Vayeitzei Yaakov Mibe’er Sheva Vayelech Charanah… and Rashi says, When a tzaddik leaves a city, its honor, glory, and shine…” (R’ Moshe Reich)
    “I once gave him a lift, and the Rav zt”l asked me mechila, for having troubled me to bring him home, when it was I who had had the hana’ah.” (R’ Banon)
    “An avel is not permitted to learn Torah, for it would gladden him, as it says: Pikudei HaShem Yesharim, Mesamchei Lev. The Torah gladdens the heart. We all know the Pasuk, but R’ Niznik personified this Pasuk. Through the many trials of his life, escaping from country to country…” (R’ Elias)

    May we continue in his mesorah.

  2. The Rav z”l was also maspid by Rav Katz the Tziboh Ruv and a member of the Vad Hrabonim in the Vaad who was verry close to the niftar. He was maspid the best. Warm and with the most emotion and brought out the warmth, character and essence of the niftar.

  3. (whoops, another one of the maspidim was R’ Yechiel Mayer HaKohen Katz, Rav of Kehal Tefila Le’Moshe, the “Zsibo Dayan,” who spoke from outside, being a Kohen.)

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