Israel: Two killed in serious car accident

eladmva1.jpgTwo Yungerleit were killed and three others injured Sunday afternoon in a serious car accident near Elad. Their names are R’ Levi Milev Z”l and R’ Doron Polkovsky Z”L. They are reported to be neighbors. Boruch Dayan Emmes…….

4 Responses

  1. It is essential to educate the israeli population in rules of defensive driving and safety. We have lost so many korbanos due to the lack of traffic and driver safety.

  2. It is essential to educate the Israeli population and high school students (who are upcoming drivers) in the rules and regulations of traffic and driver safety. We have lost so many korbanos already due to speeding, lack of right of way regulations, and disregard for signs and traffic controls.

  3. We don’t know. But bklynmom’s point is nevertheless correct. Also, statistics (at least the ones we imagine exist) indicate that the probability is very high that it was driver error or driver recklessness. In America, there’s also a high occurrence of accidents caused by car-owner negligence — lack of proper maintenance, and so forth.

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